07 Apr 2014 16:30:44
Football League to decide on takeover on thurs?
Do they ever give up.

1.) 07 Apr 2014
Already sorted by today. Can't take that away from us or they are in for a world of pain. Pete mot.

2.) 07 Apr 2014
They have no choice but to approve it. Otherwise they are ignoring their own protocols, thus making an exception for one club.

3.) 07 Apr 2014
07 Apr 2014 17:10:09
Decision made by QC on Saturday. No ruling left to make.

4.) 07 Apr 2014
The FL can do as they want. Don't kid yourself.

5.) 07 Apr 2014
Can somebody please clear it up if the league don't approve on Thursday what happens can he not takeover the club?

6.) 07 Apr 2014
07 Apr 2014 17:33:41
They have already tried to move the goalposts by getting the Italian law expert they sanctioned removed mid QC's enquiry when they realised it want going their way.
They haven't treated Leeds or Cellino the same as any other club re this test and there should be an independent enquiry into the F League's behaviour in this matter. Someone somewhere (Harvey?) has been on an agenda. Or is it because we are the cash cow for the Championship and Sky's favoured team of choice?

7.) 07 Apr 2014
The Football League's pride has taken a massive kick in the nads and I for one am glad. I think that if they continued to try and deny Cellino it would look very much like they have an axe to grind with Leeds, which is what a lot of people think in any case. The best thing would be to issue some sort of press release welcoming Cellino but that would never happen. haha

Mad Mick

8.) 07 Apr 2014
Totally agree with previous poster. Someone, somewhere has to account for this (Sean Harvey?). Daily snail too are no friends of my beloved football club. And, as already mentioned, the Oystons are not whiter than white. big shout for Mishcon de Reya .

9.) 07 Apr 2014
07 Apr 2014 17:41:28
Fl tryin to keep leeds in lower leagues due to money reasons we give every team in championship a cup final when they play leeds like everything in life its all bowt money

10.) 07 Apr 2014
According to the independent he could still be removed from the club . I just can't believe it, they must have it wrong . if they block him now or in june it will be a disgrace when you look at the altenative for our club . I did not know the FL had so much power un till this total mess .

11.) 07 Apr 2014
Whatever happens we are going to get a points deduction from them as they don't like it being stuck up them.

12.) 07 Apr 2014
One thing for sure is the Football league as lost all credability in this sham. They are an utter joke as some of the commitee should be put under investigation as fit and proper people. There as been no mention as what they are doing to this historic club and the paying fans.

13.) 07 Apr 2014
What would be the point of an appeals procedure if the FL can just ignore it if they don't like the outcome?

I think if they did then MC would have very good grounds to sue the pants off them. Their decision was found to be flawed by and independent QC, so if they now blocked it, how would they defend it?

The FL's own rules say

82.15 The decision of the FAP shall be treated as a decision of The League and binding upon all the Clubs, Officials, Players and Agents.

So in my view its just a case of them rubber stamping it. the fact that they are waiting until Thursday just sums up their petty minded vindictiveness towards LUFC

14.) 07 Apr 2014
People are getting ahead of themselves. The QC did not say that MC was fit and proper. He said that until the Judge in Italy made her written statement explaining why she convicted MC, it was not correct to say that he acted dishonestly. When she makes her written statement (by June) he could become not fit if she says he acted dishonestly - irrespective of his appeal. MC is not out of the poop yet.

15.) 07 Apr 2014
To the poster who said People are getting ahead of themselves because the QC did not say MC was fit and proper to run a football Club. You are quite right but the QC did say "Mr Cellino’s appeal accordingly succeeds. He is not, at present, subject to a Disqualifying Condition and is not disqualified from holding office or acting as a Club Director at a Club."

Short of saying word for word he is fit & proper I don't think it could be clearer!

16.) 07 Apr 2014

17.) 07 Apr 2014
07 Apr 2014 20:09:01
I 3rd that

18.) 07 Apr 2014
I 4th that. Independent appeal success. Job done . Cellino in and he may have even bought ER back by Thurs. MOT

19.) 07 Apr 2014
I second that emotion.

20.) 07 Apr 2014
If you read the whole thing the QC says if they wanted to wait for the appeal then they should not have made their decision until then. The QC has ruled in favour of Cellino so they now have to rubber stamp or they are in contempt of their own process. Now I dunno if they can then fail him later if the italian judge comes out and states he is dishonest but if they do then I would imagine a huge court case against them as the amount of dodgy people in the league running clubs is unbelievable

21.) 07 Apr 2014
According to Popey from BBCRADIOLEEDS
the yacht guilty verdict has to be
Ratified by the Italian courts.
If Cellino fails his import tax guilty appeal
the FL can still fail him.
Whether this takes 9 months or 9 years
the FL will FAIL Cellino!

22.) 07 Apr 2014
07 Apr 2014 23:13:32
So one tax "MISTAKE" makes him unfit to run a club but the fact he is fit and proper due to him running Cagliari for 20 odd years successfully, which makes him more fit and proper than 99.9% of football league owners, to anyone with common sence but we are talking about the football league I doubt they ever have evolved from apes.

23.) 08 Apr 2014
But. its not one mistake. There were others in the past, there are others currently being investigated.
Please get away from the "Messiah" feeling.

24.) 08 Apr 2014
Don't attend away games, without the leeds payday for other clubs the league will think twice

25.) 08 Apr 2014
There are many other clubs who are on similar par to LUFC "Away" support. let's face facts if 10K of LUFC supporters went to away games, not every club charges £35 admission, so its reasonable to assume that one game would bring in 250K. Replace LUFC with, say, Birmingham, Forest, Leciester, or any reasonably well supported club, an the revenue difference might be not so large as you think.