13 Sep 2014 17:42:07
Okay, fair result Today.
Thought Antenucci looked good and wanted the ball. Austin DID make a difference for a change. Have to bear in mind the newness of the team! It is the championship and will take the players a few games to get up to pace as well as getting familiar with each other's play. Not going to happen overnight.
On the whole I have to say we look like we are definitely moving in the right direction and we certainly couldn't have said that this time last season!
I believe we have good times ahead fellow whites! MOT

1.) 13 Sep 2014
GMAN Antelucci was like a headless chicken, caught offside around 10 times and not a yard off but 10yds offside.

{Ed013's Note - He was tonk today}

2.) 13 Sep 2014
Fair play Andy. Wasn't his best performance fella. Was more impressed with his commitment than timing! As we go on, if they all start showing that, we're going to do okay!
I'm looking on the positives and the direction, as a team were going in.

3.) 13 Sep 2014
Yeh commitment wise it was an improvement, still think we need to speed the passing and the counter attacking up by a considerable amount.