19 Jun 2014 08:57:56
Did MC state Leeds United would be playing in the Premier League by 2016? I'm sure this was one of his quotes. I reckon the rebuilding of our beloved club is longer than a two year plan. This season is consolidation, which after the past few seasons irks me a little, as we pay good money to be entertained and we don't get it. I know I have the option not to go, but the club is in my blood. Anyway I digress, this season is a consolidation period, next season hopefully will be the start of the rebuilding process, so does anybody see LUFC being back in the Prem anytime soon?

1.) 19 Jun 2014
Not me for one totally agree, more likely to be relegated than promoted this season. S. T coach on the way couldn't even coach a conference club, how does MC really expect professional footballers to respect the new coach when he hasn't proven anything

2.) 19 Jun 2014
The re-building has already started, I would be worried if it didn't start until next season.