20 Sep 2014 12:09:00
Here are some Darko facts for you

he has a 50.3% win record with 25.6% loss.

When was the last time we had a manager with over a 50% win ratio?

Only been in management a few years and only has 386 games as manager/coach.
Transfermarket gives him a management score of 3.5

Out of the 386 games in charge used 127 different players also likes to give youth a chance the youngest débutante being 16yrs 4 months old. If your good enough your old enough.

To give some numbers for perspective win ratio's
B mcdermott 43%
neil wornock 39%
S grayson 42%
terry venables 49%
Sir bobby robson 49% (just thought I would throw him in to see)
Don Revie 56.5%

Ahh yes he has a 1.44 goal per game average too. with a 1.95 in the fist half. That is for sure something we need.

Supposed to speak 5 languages

plays a 4, 4, 2 or a 4, 1, 3, 2 looks for fast attacking football.

Said to be paying off sturm to get out of his contract to come to LUFC. (paying them off himself!)

1.) 20 Sep 2014
With 1.44 pr match and still 1.95 in the first half he REALLY seems like the magician we need.

2.) 20 Sep 2014
Great post Spain.

3.) 20 Sep 2014
20 Sep 2014 13:24:18
It is said he speaks 5 languages and yet Phil Hay says he can't speak English? surely English would be 1 of the 5?

4.) 20 Sep 2014
Good post pal some decet knowledge.