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13 Jun 2024 02:26:56
So, it looks like Ipswich want Rodon but, Daniel Levy has said that he, Rodon prefers going back to Leeds on loan while Levy would much prefer a sale, although it’s now been mentioned that we pay 6.5M up front and on completion of promotion we pay a further 6.5M for him, Levy is a tough negotiator though. It’s taken a whole new angle now due to Summerville saying he’s not looking to leave Leeds and Wober is being lined up as a make shift in any deal. Lots of ifs and buts yet gents. ??.


1.) 13 Jun 2024 09:30:46

100% Summerville will be sold this summer. fee hopefully £35 million plus

Rodon coming back to Leeds ain't happening.

2.) 13 Jun 2024 09:41:15
Risky gamble bazzy boy.
If Rodon wants to come back I’m pretty sure we would go for the 6.5 6.5.
But agree with Jimmy although I’m expecting 40 plus if I’m honest.

3.) 13 Jun 2024 12:52:43
Aus. I hope I am wrong and JR is a Leeds player next season. but . I won't be.

4.) 14 Jun 2024 16:08:06
Do you think we will sign anyone then Baz? I mean I’m intrigued to know if we will sign anyone seeing as though any player that’s mentioned is just cast aside with no chance to zero chance of putting pen to paper! I’m thinking maybe we should just pack up, call it a day and find another team to support! ??.

5.) 15 Jun 2024 06:01:46
I also don’t think we will get Rodon. We do talk about players not being committed to the cause; if he’s only interested in another loan, then what does that tell us about him? Many clamouring for Cressy to get an opportunity, but JR would be the brick wall to that. I’d prefer Wobs and Pasc anyway, with Cressy as backup, plus another one at least. There’s also a big lad from the 21’s who looks handy, tho I forget his name, again! ???.

6.) 15 Jun 2024 20:08:34
Agreed on these points Bright

And think you are referring to either Mullen or Monteiro ( CBs in 21s)



04 Apr 2024 20:07:35
to work for and they have huge plans in place for us when we go up. I sent that to soon Ed if you could add that on to the end of the other, thanks Ed. ?.


1.) 16 Apr 2024 03:20:41
Well he would say that wouldn’t he! I don’t read that much into it, if money is right he will be back to Germany before you can say blitzkrieg.



04 Apr 2024 20:06:21
There are a few German teams looking at new managers for next season and click bait has mentioned Daniel Farke, well what I do know that is genuine is that DF was talking to Jermaine Beckford last weekend and the subject was mentioned to him by JB, DF replied that, it had been a burning ambition to manage in the Championship again with a team that has good credentials for promotion because he wants to prove to himself and his doubters that he can be a success in the Premiership. He said he felt that he was unfairly treated by Norwich and the media because he had no real funds available for player additions and he was told the second time they went up he could use the full parachute payment, he actually got given £21M for a complete overhaul to stay in the league. Pukki he said was past his best and they needed a striker but nothing happened, so in his words, he sort of give up and he said he son wants to prove people wrong and here’s the best bit… he believes that this can be accomplished by him with Leeds United. He said the 49ers are a dream.


1.) 05 Apr 2024 08:45:18
He's 100% right. Webber was a right tight b*stard and gave him pennies. Played some decent stuff in the Prem from game to game, but didn't have the quality to do it regularly. He will cook with some financial backing.

2.) 06 Apr 2024 07:02:12
IF we do go up, I have no doubts about either the 49ers OR Daniel Farke delivering what’s needed. We should have rid of the “ship jumpers” as Whitey labels them, a nice boost to the P&L, and Farke can then get they 4/ 5 players we sorely need to not just stay up, but compete in the mid range of the table.
The first word is critical to this tho! Game on!




Woody67's banter posts with other poster's replies to Woody67's banter posts


20 Jul 2024 21:15:28
Bogle all signed and delivered, pictured in our shirt, top signing this and it shows our intent, solid at the back now, absolutely solid ??.


1.) 20 Jul 2024 21:43:51
Very good news Woodster . he is a very good RWB/ RB especially at this level.

2.) 20 Jul 2024 23:38:36
A good signing. Hopefully more to come!



16 Jul 2024 23:58:28
Jesse March favourite for the England ??????? job! Can you imagine that and the idiot that thought that up for a news story should be shot! ??.


1.) 17 Jul 2024 06:38:51
Is he a relative of Jesse Marsch ??

2.) 17 Jul 2024 07:19:53
Lol Woody! I’d probably support Scotland if he was given the job, and that’s never happening either! But watch out! The spellcheck plod is on the prowl!

3.) 17 Jul 2024 07:58:58
Funny bright
He does love a spell check zzz.

4.) 17 Jul 2024 10:42:33
He’s like my mum after I’ve sent her a text, sometimes predictive text or my lazy spelling puts a misspelt word in or an alternative word, and she is there straight back in sending a sarcastic reply highlighting my mistake!, sometimes without even replying to my text! George must be my mum in disguise ? lol ?.

5.) 17 Jul 2024 11:01:05
No one has mentioned Marcelo, unless its further down the thread he'd have my vote.

6.) 17 Jul 2024 13:38:36
Is your mums middle name integrity woody? ??.

7.) 17 Jul 2024 15:54:30
I’ve been saying, hopefully, Marcelo, for weeks now Cornish. You are not alone in that wish / suggestion!

8.) 17 Jul 2024 19:30:12
Funny Aus and thankfully that’s a no! ??.



16 Jul 2024 19:07:57
How are we valuing Summerville at £16.8M? That’s what the YEP is saying! Archie went for £40M with no goals, so how on earth Cry with lots of goals is valued at that is beyond me!
We also seem to be waiting for players to decide if they want to stay or go before we go full on into the transfer market, but we need to get moving on transfers in as it’s now only just over 3 weeks away before we kick off.
If we are in for Bogle then it has to be wrapped up very soon before others come interested. He’s already said he wants to come to Leeds United, so sign him. Connor Roberts wants the same so sign him as well, it won’t do any harm to be overloaded in any area so just do it and get them on board. Roberts would be a solid signing and Bogle would be a great signing. Firpo is another one who is looking to go, so get rid. Would like to see Piroe stay and Bamford go, Piroe has got 20 plus goals in him and if we get an attacking midfielder then goals will come from there as well.
Just don’t want to get left behind at the start of the season again!


1.) 16 Jul 2024 20:01:42
Bookies may currently have Leeds as favourites for promotion

but more so on sheer numbers of slightky unwise punters betting on Leeds and not because bookies think Leeds will necessarily finish in top 2

Would not put big money on Leeds getting promoted on low odds.

2.) 16 Jul 2024 20:05:27
Summerville no sale below £40 million imo

Would not agree to sell below that figure.

Would also give a cut off date for any sale of CS to happen . say August 15th at very latest.

MUST refuse last week/ deadline day sale.

3.) 16 Jul 2024 20:35:11
£16.8m sounds like a load of b*ll*cks tbh. I read Brighton enquired with a provisional bid believed to be around £25m other week, and we've obviously rebuffed that as he's still with us.

4.) 16 Jul 2024 23:56:00
Dillinger, honestly mate it’s what the paper printed and below is what was wrote about Crysencio;

PSG have approached with an enquiry about signing Crysencio Summerville from Leeds United but haven’t made an offer, according to Sébastien Denis.

The Foot Mercato journalist reported, via X, on 16 July that the Ligue 1 giants have “taken information” about the Dutchman.

The Whites value the 22-year-old at £16.8 million and PSG haven’t gone “any further” by lodging a bid.

There is also interest in the Leeds star coming from Stade Rennais and four English clubs including Chelsea.

The valuation has got to be bollocks and although it’s printed in black and white it’s got to be a completely exaggerated under valuation! If he went for that amount I would be gutted and totallly unimpressed with the 49ers!

5.) 17 Jul 2024 01:35:57
I wouldn't worry Woody mate, we won't sell him for owt close to that. Reckon will be what Baz says. £40m+.

6.) 17 Jul 2024 06:47:55
Yeah. Agree. Will be 40+. Gnonto 20-25.
Just get it done. Spend spend spend.

7.) 17 Jul 2024 07:22:03
Read that too woody. Never happening. Just the usual wazz poor media frothing up the wazz pot!

8.) 17 Jul 2024 10:23:41
Don’t read YEP would be my advice, journalistic reporting is about exactly that, reporting news, not making news.

9.) 17 Jul 2024 10:44:31
Funny the Brighty ??.



16 Jul 2024 02:54:01
Just spent some time going through the Leeds website and others and we realistically have these players available:

Meslier GK
Cairns GK

Byram D
Rodon D
Struijk D
Firpo D
Crew D
Cooper D

Ampadu M
Anderson M
Rothwell M
Gruev M

Gnonto W
Summerville W
James W

Rutter CF
Piroe CF
Joseph CF
Bamford CF

We have others but they are going, we also should take into consideration that Cry, Gnonto, Cooper and Bamford will be sold which means we have only 15 players!
You all know me and yes I’m as Leeds United rose tinted as they come, but this is worrying. I’m shocked at how many are going or at least rumoured to be going, and yet no one coming in, lots of rumours but again we seem to be lagging behind!
Dill do you know anything?
Does anybody know, I know the 49ers do it their way but we look like we haven’t learned our lessons from that disastrous start to the new season last season, maybe they have what they want lined up, but please hurry up and show us you mean business.
We are really hot favourites to go up as champions, so show some balls and get the right players in, we have lost out on a lot of signings, Dillinger mentioned loads, he seems to put more into our scouting than those who get paid for their work and he does a better job, but literally nothing!
Ok Rothwell comes in on loan so who’s next!
I think we need 2 x defenders, an attacking midfielder with pace who has goals in him, an out and out striker, a proper sort of Viduka / Chapman esk, a goal keeper would be nice but I don’t think Meslier will go.
We just have to hope that our custodians get it right and I’m worrying for nothing eh, I mean it’s 2:45am and I’m sat in my checked M&S matching pyjamas set which looks like I’m ready for a golf session, with my orthopaedic slippers on and my tablets laid out on the table ready to take, so what do I really know chaps?
FFS where did it all go wrong! ??.


1.) 16 Jul 2024 05:57:51
Alas I'm no insider mate. Only know as much as you guys. Just had a lot more time to watch players now I've knocked boozing on the head (gave up Dec 29th, so 7 months strong pretty much now and feeling great! )

I'd not scrolled down this far so already replied to Melbs post above with what, imo, appears to be current squad list. Honestly though there are a few unknowns atm so some of it a stab in the dark.

2.) 16 Jul 2024 06:43:06
Haha Woody nice image of you in your Chequered PJ’s and slippers with your bed side table decked out with meds. I’ve also got my bedside table with a mountain of meds next to me, soaking up the pain from a groin hernia op yesterday only no M&S PJ’s and slippers for me mate.
I don’t think you need to be overly concerned about the commitment of our current owners, I can promise you they will not want to spend another season after this one in the Championship.
The transfer market is a testing time, whether players are being sold or bought not to mention now clubs having to be very careful of the PSR rules.
Personally unless there are any over valued offers for players like Summerville, Gnonto and Rutter, i doubt very much the club will be cashing in.

I can see Glen Kamara on his way out as we have just loaned Rothwell, for whatever reasons of Kamara’s departure I believe we he a more than decent replacement for him. I personally felt our midfield was our Achilles heel last season and I’m hoping that they view Rothwell as a stabilizing dimension to this area.

A new RB signing would be imminent without doubt buy or loan and possibly cover at LB.
I honestly believe that Joseph will deployed more regularly this season as Bamford’s fitness is pretty awful. Unlike some who don’t like Piroe, he still scored 14 goals last season and I can see him improving on that this season but that's up to Farke and his coaching to get the very best out of him.

As we all know winning promotion in the Championship is not a given, it a long hard slog playing against many teams or individual players who usually up their game against us or park the bus. My faith is in this process of our current owners, this is not GFH or Cellinio or for that matter the very naive Radz, I believe it’s a very serious tenureship by the SF49er’s and I fully expect them to get us back very soon to the Premiership and stay there hopefully.

3.) 16 Jul 2024 07:58:32
Hope you recover ok. I had the double groin op last year but had to go back as one side didn`t work!

4.) 16 Jul 2024 08:11:52
Wasn't the assumption that Gray would've been in midfield this coming season, so Rothwell was his replacement? That's how I understood it. Seemed Farke was going to play him further up the pitch this season as he wanted to build around him.

If that's the case we still need a replacement for Kamara. Even if not I still think we need another body in there.

Re; Piroe, some player just don't fit certain tactics. Major issue which I don't know how you'd coach it out of him is how poor his mobility is. He's slow. When he drops to link up he's too immobile to get back up and involved and when he's leading the line he can't hold up, doesn't link that well and he is a bad presser due to his mobility issues. That's the reason why, if he stays, he only needs a bit part role, as he can score (although still only a 15% conversion rate, which is actually pretty poor) Offers little else outside of that. We need better.

5.) 16 Jul 2024 08:13:16
All the best with revovery OP ? agree with rest.

6.) 16 Jul 2024 08:55:59
I think he’s not bad in the spaces and can pass the ball, mobility is an issue that Farke has mentioned but in my mind he needs to be behind a number 9 with that speed and mobility as was his position at Swansea with a much higher conversion rate and 20 goal season.
I’m not sure he’ll be good enough for the Premiership but I think if Farke can find a way for him to bang in the goals as he did at Swansea, then he could be a big asset for this season’s promotion push.

You are correct about Gray, who would have taken up that midfield role and is why there is a lot of talk about Skip filling that area as a DM with Gruev or Rothwell as
more attacking midfielders.

7.) 16 Jul 2024 10:04:47
Gonna be waiting too long again and miss out on decent players. Last year we waited and waited and ended up with players who have had a lot of stick on her, piroe gruev darlow kamara and some really forgettable loan signings who for one reason or another hardly got a look in, if we are looking at loans or purchases we need an out and out striker and ACM other positions we can cover with what we currently have although Bogle would be a good signing but again taking an age to sort, we are in a new financial year as I understand it so surely we can cover some outlay, I'm sorry but waiting till the last minute and I know there is a while to go yet but how can last minute signings train and fit in with our style we Introduced new players last year and our start didn't exactly set the world on fire.

8.) 16 Jul 2024 11:49:14
I’m not sure what buying another striker will change.
We have a lot of goals coming in from our wingers and Piroe did rack up a good number of goals also.
Bamford still does a huge amount on the pitch when he does play, he’s not going to get 20 goals in a season but his contribution should not be underestimated.
The player for me that has to step up to the plate goal wise is Rutter, his miserly 6 goals was not enough last season, but I do believe that will come with maturity and experience.

Let’s not forget most posters on here are screaming for Joseph to be played his contribution which I think he will have more of this season should boost that goal tally, if he is as really good as we think he is?

As for the impatience or frustration to us not completing all our transactions already, what club has?

9.) 16 Jul 2024 13:22:28
OP I agree in the main, piroe not many on here want him I actually still do bamford I agree but his injury record is not good and he is on 50 grand a week is he actually worth it as for Joseph I really hope he does do the business but can we risk it that's why we need a proven goalscorer Rutter I completely agree with you and finally what I meant was don't leave all till last minute if a player becomes available go for him like Bogle 7 million I think he would be a good signing but we offer half that never going to get him for 4.

10.) 16 Jul 2024 14:45:31
Oldbri i think starting your bidding low is more shrewd way of getting a good deal. Why pay more if you can get it for less.
It’s just business, Leeds have made two offers already and it looks like they want him. I’m sure both clubs will arrive at an agreed value.

11.) 16 Jul 2024 14:49:52
Gotta disagree there, OP, about it not changing anything.

It will change our ability to play how we want to play by having a striker who can press from the front (like Bamford) but also be clinical (not like Bamford or Piroe last season)

Too many times last season we lost points after the tide turned in the game because Bamford missed a sitter. Then the week after he'd be injured again so we couldn't play a proper high press as Piroe isn't up to it because he's unathletic and slow.

There's a multitude of problems that can arise again this season keeping those two heavily involved.

We need another CF. I think it's a must or we fall back into the same patterns of last season that saw us go behind in games we were largely dominating, because of a missed chance or because our CF is unable to keep up with play rendering him a passenger.

We want goals from all our attacking players, so its good we already have many of our wingers, etc scoring, but why not even more by adding a quality finisher who can also press from the front. The more the merrier I say. I am massively in the "want a new CF" camp.

12.) 16 Jul 2024 14:53:14
In reply to the post about Piroe in the spaces

He can definitely score goals at this level. Agree about him directly behind a 9. He needs to be close to someone to make things easier for him and agree he plays best inside the lines as well as crashing the box. Those are his assets. Just not sure we can make that work with how we play. It's not worked majority of last season. We were forcing him into positions he wasn't comfortable with. But trouble is that will keep happening because of how we play. Farke ain't changing his tactics, and especially for one of the less important players in the team like Piroe.



06 Jul 2024 21:57:13
Apparently Kane hasn’t been getting on the end of Saka’s balls, according to Alan Shearer! ?????.


1.) 06 Jul 2024 22:44:39
Nah, but Shearers been getting on mine!

2.) 07 Jul 2024 05:03:53
Commentator said Kane has scored all englands infield goals. Focus mate.




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23 Jul 2024 20:18:54
I read that statement of yours Dill about Harrison and everything you said was spot on about him, even to the point of saying Leeds should go full on for him and again you were right, it now looks like we are hijacking the blunts and their bid! I really like him as I looked at him when you posted about him in June, maybe the powers that be do read your posts Dill, I just hope your scouting fee cheque is the post! lol great post though mate ????.




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11 Jul 2024 23:48:54
I would be happy if Meslier went just to shut Baz up from going on about him every bloody day! Are we going to get this all season Baz? ??.




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06 Jul 2024 22:03:12
What about his handling of Archie and your boy DJ Baz, DF didn’t do too bad there either did he? He really can’t be all that bad then can he mate!




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01 Jul 2024 14:12:00
Fine details eh Baz, he either signs or he doesn’t, so you have a one in two chance of being right or wrong, you got it wrong, but in your eyes ? “Happy to not get this one not quite correct” what a balloon ? ?.




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16 Jun 2024 23:51:14
Fair enough Baz and I have to agree regarding DF, I for one will be asking for the sack for DF if we aren’t challenging for the top spot or even miss out altogether. This season should be fine tuning only with no slow start and no excuses for failure.
I also agree that we really should have gone up last season especially as we had two bites of the Premiership cherry, so again Baz I agree it’s now or see you later DF.
I do agree with a lot you say but we rose tinted lot do have to live with hope as hope is what gets you up on a morning.
Off to get in the hot ? tub now cheers mate! ??.





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25 Jul 2024 19:23:06
In terms of finances Brighty it’s claimed that he could be bought for €6.5M - €8M and Cantwell's current wage being £25,000 per week, this is definitely not out of our reach is he and I think he’s a decent shout and he’s better than O’Hare, that’s imo only though gents ?.




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25 Jul 2024 11:08:16
Todd Cantwell wants to leave Rangers, I wonder if he wants to be reunited with DF?, stranger things have happened and Cantwell would Be the CAM we desperately need, what’s your thoughts gents? . ??.




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23 Jul 2024 15:29:58
I’m with you Ani regarding our home kit, if this yellow kit is true then I don’t understand why the Red Bull logo couldn’t of been that colour on our home kit, I just don’t know why it had to include red in it, I hate the red on the home kit and I won’t but the shirt for that reason, but the yellow one looks fabulous and I will be buying that one. ?.




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23 Jul 2024 15:04:29
Well it seems to me that the 49ers are another Daniel Levy for negotiating with, it looks like they won’t sell unless they get what they want for a player, which is great for us. Wet Sham have just come back in with another bid of £24M for Cry and they have been point blanked turned down, with Cross reporting that they have been told not to come back unless they double it! Good on them, this is what we have been lacking for years, an owner with a huge set of balls, we don’t need to sell and we don’t want to sell, it’s as simple as that. If you want to buy, top price only please!
I’m loving this attitude and for years we have been a cheap selling club, well not now and it’s about time. Just imagine what we could of got for Raphinia or KP, even those that went out on loan because of stupid contractual conditions wouldn’t have happened, they would have been sold for top dollar.
We are going about our business very quietly and with authority, which imo bares well for the coming season! ??.




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23 Jul 2024 14:48:51
I’m with Cleggy on this one but good post ILK ?.
