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04 May 2024 22:18:11
Well my gut-feeling was 100% wrong and even betting on the opposite results to what I wanted didn't work (I would have preferred automatic promotion to the collect) .

I am an optimist by nature, but I cannot see how we are going to turn around our current form for the play-offs.

I will hope for the best, but fear the worst.

Having said that I am not too disappointed because, before this season started, I said we would need a couple of seasons to recover from the sh! t storm that we went through before a ball was kicked.

At the end of the day it is not important to me if it is Premiership, Championship, League 1 or whatever, so long as I have a Leeds team to support.




18 Aug 2023 12:57:50
I always treat the rumours I see online with a certain scepticism but, if this bloke Cannon from Everton really was a target of Farke's and is any good, it would make sense to me that we think about incorporating him into any deal if they want Gnonto.

My logic for this is:

* we desperately need a good striker

* We need to get rid of Gnonto.
There is no benefit in keeping a bloke that does not want to be here and in fact it could have a negative impact on the rest of the team.

It might mean less in actual sale price, but I think that would be compensated for by filling an obvious hole in the squad and removing a distraction/ disruptive element.


1.) 18 Aug 2023 14:04:24
100% jungle. Do it.




jungle2152's banter posts with other poster's replies to jungle2152's banter posts


03 Jul 2024 00:15:52
Normally I would be very worried about a youngster like Archie jumping to a Premier Club so early in his career, but I think he has a number of things in his favour.

His natural ability, the sound foundation offered by his family and, in my opinion, one of the best coaches in the Premier League for bringing on young players and giving them an opportunity when/ if they deserve it.


1.) 03 Jul 2024 01:36:59
He'll be fine and why be concerned?

He is no longer a Leeds player.

One season only at Leeds . players come and go .

And have a billion times more affection for several other ex Leeds players.

2.) 03 Jul 2024 01:50:41
Good luck to him. Not a fan of spurs football or the manager. But if he does well prob only a stepping stone to a top club. Hope we got a sell on clause as he just money to us now. His family got a good history with the club, not him.

3.) 03 Jul 2024 03:56:16
* one season in 1st team.

4.) 03 Jul 2024 04:11:13
Because Baz, I have a personal dislike of seeing very talented young players being chewed-up, spat out and wasted.

For me it is not a Leeds thing, or a particular fondness for Archie, it is just a general dislike of something that occurs fairly often.

5.) 03 Jul 2024 06:40:30
Yh I agree, Jungle. Hate seeing teams do that to young players.

6.) 03 Jul 2024 08:09:25
He will develop well under Ange, who is a coach I like a lot. Focus now turns to Harry, who, by all accounts, has the greater potential of the two.

7.) 03 Jul 2024 09:47:05
. Citeh will sign 15 y o Harry eithin a year .

8.) 03 Jul 2024 15:24:41
Hopefully we keep him until he signs a pro contract, Baz ?.

9.) 03 Jul 2024 15:32:25
No. No they won’t.

10.) 03 Jul 2024 18:23:00
Hopefully Dill.



28 May 2024 00:21:10
Now that the season is over discussions will logically focus on players we need to let go/ bring in.

But I wanted to pose a different question.

In the modern game there seems to be specialist coaches for everything, so do we need to also be looking at what we need to change in the coaching department?

To give a coupe of examples:

- We have been rubbish for ages at set pieces and I assume we have a specialist coach for that. I would see that as one essential change.

- There is much debate about Meslier. To me he seems to have gone backwards in his time with us and it also seems to me that none of our keepers progress at our club. Maybe this is another area for change.

What I don't know is if these type of roles are part of the "Farke" team and are his choices, in which case it becomes a bigger issue. Maybe someone can explain whether that is the case to me.

I think that is it is just as important to get these specialist coaching positions right as it is to get the right players.


1.) 28 May 2024 07:40:51
Again jungle, good post pal! For sure, I think it would benefit Farke to mix it up a bit with his coaching team. Both of the key areas you mention should be subjects of thorough review, as they cost us in many instances this season.

2.) 28 May 2024 09:32:08
I've been thinking the same regarding specialist coaching.
Our attacking corners and free kicks are appalling
I think Meslier has improved since Farke took over, but he does still frustrate me a lot of the time
Apparently punching the ball out speeds up our attacks
Well if that's the case, why does he dally about with the ball at his feet when our wide men are waiting for the ball.

3.) 28 May 2024 10:23:22
The whole coaching set up at Leeds United needs upgrading / replacing.

4.) 28 May 2024 14:52:26
And the punches have to land leeroy.
But they don’t.

5.) 29 May 2024 09:13:40
Why the entire set up? Are the players not fit enough, as an example question? Was the defence not drilled well enough for most of the season? Did the DF MF structure not deliver on its objectives?
I think the specific areas Jungle points out are valid, but to say everything needs replacing, is excessive, and knee jerk.



26 May 2024 23:52:16
I a little surprised to find that I am not massively disappointed about failing to achieve promotion last night and I think it may be down to a couple of things:

After the performance against Norwich at home, in my heart I expected a fairly tepid performance, because we do not seem to have strung two good games together all season.

Despite great optimism at times during the season, at the start I was firmly convinced that we needed a complete re-build and that it would take a couple of seasons to build a squad capable of not only gaining promotion, but not bouncing straight back down.

Aligned with this, I thought that it would take more than one season for Farke to get the players he wanted, playing the way that he wanted.

Although there have been times this season that I have really wondered about some of Farke's decisions, I am OK with giving him another season despite this because:

- he inherited a dog's breakfast of a situation with the squad

- at the end of the day, I don't know what information he had that was not public

- as long as my @rse is pointing at the ground, I will never be a professional coach or know as much about the tactical side of football as just about anyone.

Sorry this is so long-winded but, finally, I am really looking forward to the future posts about who we should/ shouldn't or have/ haven't signed.

Especially the scouting posts from Dillinger (who must spend 30 hours a day watching football and I think might need a day job ?)


1.) 27 May 2024 00:29:25
DF didn't exactly look disappointed to lose either in his post match conference.

2.) 27 May 2024 00:55:00
Strung 2 games together? Did we not win 11 in a row at some point. Listen. We done well this season We didn’t quite make it. Saints wer out bogey team and we fell short. Today too many players showed their nerves I thought and their quality didn’t show. Rutter Gnonto and Summerville all didn’t play well at all and that cost us. Along with the bad mistake at the back to create their goal. Is what it is. Bios on this as I for one didn’t expect to go up after the upheaval of the start off season. Onward too next year. MOT ALAW ⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️???.

3.) 27 May 2024 05:36:55
Was Farke supposed to be crying on the floor like a baby.?
Good grief.

4.) 27 May 2024 06:34:50
I somewhat feel the same Jungle. Bearing in mind what Farke inherited I think we’ve done very well to get this far. I think Phil Hay has previously outlined that the 49’ers have a two year plan. Of course to be this close it’s frustrating not to win - but we honestly didn’t look close yesterday did we? We were exhilarating at times this season - but also lightweight - just like a Bielsa team. We still can’t beat physical, organised opposition. If CS and Gnonto get sussed by championship defenders they’re not going to fare better against premiership ones. I’d like to see the team Farke puts together. The team needs some steel, some wise leadership and some creativity up the field - but most importantly - it needs to be a team - not a bunch of reasonably good players thrown together at short notice. The 3 that went up last season have come back down and aside from perhaps NF, which other prem team is going to finish in the bottom 3 ahead of the 3 that are going up this season?

5.) 27 May 2024 09:03:52
Yes Batty we did string a number of wins together, but I was talking about really good performances and the two are not necessarily the same thing.

6.) 27 May 2024 09:51:24
Long winded or not, it’s a sensible post explaining the realities Jungle. ????
And Baz, like OP says, is he supposed to be a beefing cabbage curled up in a corner, whimpering pathetically?

No. He’s a pro coach and manager, and already has his mind focused on prepping the lads mentality for next season! Take it as motivation, learn from the experience, be better next time out etc. I know what I’d rather see from the gaffer!

7.) 27 May 2024 12:34:18
Aha the usual predictablly silly boring hyperbole from Bright Zzzzz (and OP) . no one mentioned your ridiculous "whimpering cabbage in a corner" hyperbole

Winners however HATE to lose . you could see it in people like Sir Alex Ferguson eyes and demeanour hear it in his voice.

None of that from DF yesterday in a HUGELY important match!

8.) 27 May 2024 15:45:58
Of course, everyone is the same Baz, forgot that part of human character!
Hyperbole, hyperbole, hyperbole. There, and I still haven’t used it half as much as you have in two posts.
Sir Alex was a one off, an exception, and unique. I guess that will fall under the hyperbole hammer too, eh?

9.) 27 May 2024 18:00:15
Forgot to add that that was also a very good post Manston! ????.



11 May 2024 23:14:52
I'll be honest and admit that I have no idea how we are likely to go in the play-off games.

We have been putting in Jekyll and Hyde performances for many seasons now and you can never tell which team will turn up to play on the day.

I do however have a few very confident predictions:

1. There will be a mix of contributors saying "I told you so" or "you were wrong again" after the fat lady has sung.

2. I will be wishing I had a dollar for every time the word intent was used during the transfer window.

3. Regardless of what happens and what division we are in, we will all be back again next season to do it all again.

Long live the hot tub of hope and the prophets of doom but, as always, I will hoping and cheering for my team to win.


1.) 12 May 2024 08:32:13
Excellent post Jungle ????.

2.) 12 May 2024 11:50:36
Bang on Jungle! Here we go!



04 May 2024 05:26:28
Call me the eternal optimist, a dreamer, or just plain crazy, but I have another of my gut feelings.

Leeds will beat Southampton
Huddersfield will beat Ipswich

and as a result we will be automatically promoted.

I only hope it is as correct as my previous gut feelings.


1.) 04 May 2024 06:34:11
Let the journey begin Jungle! On On On!

2.) 04 May 2024 07:06:56
This is it boys, judgement day! Good post Jungle, and I pray ? you are right mate, but if not, dry your eyes mate as it’s off to Wembley we go ? we are all wounded but a good team performance today against the Saints bodes well for the play offs. DF needs to put a huge marker down today to say, ‘we are Leeds, we want this more than you’ nothing less than our strongest possible team needs to be on that pitch, and the players on that pitch need to leave everything they have on it, nothing less will suffice! Alright, we have been hurt, but we have a second bite at the cherry, and how many teams would give their right arm for that opportunity, stop sulking Leeds, seize this opportunity and you will go down in Leeds United history, come on Daniel, come on Leeds, let’s do this MOT ALAW ????????.

3.) 04 May 2024 07:57:43
I have a feeling also Jungle

A feeling that you didn't go bed yet have downed to much alcohol and had a " good idea " and are now talking silly with a phone in your hand ?

We probs beat Saints alright

But Ipswich will clobber udders

Not sure about playoffs, as it's just a Leeds thing to be rubbish at them once again ?.

4.) 04 May 2024 08:05:49
Rousing speech Sir Woody Churchill

Think Leeds will win narrowly
Leeds 2 Saints 1

But the devotees of Crufts will get beat easily

Ipswich 3 Huddersfield 0


Brush up on your singing of " Wemberley Wemberley we are the famous Leeds United. "

5.) 04 May 2024 08:16:11
I’m not sure what I think. Anything could happen. I think we will beat saints but my head says tractors will trounce the dogs.
My heart says two tractors sent off in first half and five dodgy pens awarded to the dogs and they hold off a tractor 4 goal added time fight back to win 4-5.

6.) 04 May 2024 08:35:18
You may mock the source of my gut feeling Chris x 2 (none of your theories are correct I might add ?) , but I have only had "gut feelings" like this twice before.

Both times they were correct, even though the predicted outcomes were considered to be unlikely.

That is why I remain hopeful and, to be doubly sure, have put my money on both Saints and Ipswich winning.

Me backing anything is the kiss of death. ?.

7.) 04 May 2024 09:05:56
What were the 2 previous correct "gut feelings" Jungle?

Any details?

8.) 04 May 2024 09:41:53
Think ? one was you and George talk bollcks and the other one was Leicester would be champions.
Can’t argue with that form x.

9.) 04 May 2024 10:00:04
I don't get them often Baz.

First time was March last year to beat Wolves scoring 3+ goals and more recently last month to beat Middlesborough scoring 3+ goals.

There must be a posting history somewhere if you wanted to check it.

10.) 04 May 2024 10:01:43
Oh and I forgot to mention you could ask any of my mates in my punters about what happens when I bet on something.

11.) 04 May 2024 10:45:13
Great post jungle, and I’ve had the same bet today an all. Leeds and the Terriers both to win (calling then the Terriers today, not The Dogs, because I’m their biggest fan for one day only - what have I been reduced to ?‍♂️)
??? are going to choke and lose 2-0 and Leeds, a late Joe Geldhart goal (85th minute sub, scores in 98th minute) . Leeds go up, Baz starts calling for Farke to be crowned manager of the year, (the other) Junior Firpo is worshipped as a God throughout Yorkshire

My bet was just a double, Leeds and udders to win, it wasn’t all the other details but don’t worry, it’s nailed on.

12.) 04 May 2024 11:14:33
OK cheers Jungle. Yep I remember the Boro one.

13.) 04 May 2024 16:26:33
Is that what your ☠️?‍? told you?




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03 Jul 2024 04:11:13
Because Baz, I have a personal dislike of seeing very talented young players being chewed-up, spat out and wasted.

For me it is not a Leeds thing, or a particular fondness for Archie, it is just a general dislike of something that occurs fairly often.




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27 Jun 2024 15:52:18
Thanks for another great review Dill.

As an aside, does anyone know who the Leeds scouts are and what their backgrounds are?

I am just a little curious as to why they do not seem to be able to identify potential gems like this.




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13 Jun 2024 17:16:44
Congratulations to a worthy top 3 and thanks again George for doing this.




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28 May 2024 05:54:29
Are you actually talking about the Peter Sellers movie Woody?

His last movie I think and, unfortunately, not his best.




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27 May 2024 09:03:52
Yes Batty we did string a number of wins together, but I was talking about really good performances and the two are not necessarily the same thing.
