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To Chris Chris's last 5 banter replies


Chris Chris's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Chris Chris's rumours posts


05 Jan 2024 18:44:17
Any truth to Spence story of not showing upto kids charity day + wouldn't donate neither?

Chris Chris

1.) 06 Jan 2024 07:29:11
IF true, then good riddance!

2.) 06 Jan 2024 07:46:06
Mmm. Farke said they looked at players contribution over the festive season. So could mean he was lazy and tight. Farke also said he had heart of gold. Obviously not gold as in money.



28 Aug 2023 18:51:44
Amiri strolling around Briggate ?.

Chris Chris

1.) 28 Aug 2023 19:35:44
Chris Take him to Temple Newsam followed by Harewood House. That has more sophistication. Then go back to Brig and round it off with ? at Whitelocks and a Ruby. Superb. Skip the Majestic.

2.) 28 Aug 2023 19:36:52
He’ll be back on the plane within the hour then! ?.

3.) 28 Aug 2023 22:21:23
Whitelocks super for zee Guinness Blanco ?.

4.) 29 Aug 2023 09:06:55
How right you were Rambo.

5.) 29 Aug 2023 10:30:00
He’s a very tidy player but if he’s not sold on the club then move on!

6.) 29 Aug 2023 13:22:58
Agree Rambo, move on to Tanaka or whoever Farke wants next.

7.) 29 Aug 2023 15:22:16
?? Tanaka not happening due to training ground injury.

8.) 29 Aug 2023 16:06:18
Now reported that Tanaka injury not as bad as first feared, with club medics giving him the all clear - he’s supposedly expected to be involved in training over there tomorrow.



21 Aug 2023 22:11:04
Buoanotte seems to be gathering momentum

Don't know if it's a loan or permanent, probs loan.

Chris Chris

1.) 21 Aug 2023 22:39:11
Read both Chris. Sussex site says loan only, others saying loan with option to buy (hopefully that option) .

2.) 22 Aug 2023 06:59:18
Leeds have entered talks with Brighton for Facundo Buonanotte this would be a straight loan as Brighton see him as a top talent.

3.) 22 Aug 2023 10:19:50
WOW! Hope Buonanotte is true and he does come, the boy is a special talent, and would be an incredible asset in the Championship.

Although he doesn’t look it he’s as tough as he is talented.

4.) 22 Aug 2023 10:45:57
Not seen him but fingers crossed if he is that good ?.

5.) 22 Aug 2023 10:56:27
Great player will be class for us if it happens.

6.) 22 Aug 2023 16:31:07
Just when we start getting a little excited, Graham Smyth kills it.



18 Aug 2023 10:36:08
The inevitable has seemingly happened, Adams to Cherries.

Chris Chris



11 Aug 2023 20:15:01
Word around camp fire. is zee small Italian wants out " AGAIN "

My sources ?, . say he asked to be omitted for squad tomorrow now also

Surely there's no way back now if this true.

Chris Chris

1.) 11 Aug 2023 20:52:33
He’s refused to travel or play.
Get rid or it the little ham shanker.

2.) 11 Aug 2023 21:13:30
It’s his f’ing agent playing silly buggers with his advise - same agent as Nicolò Zaniolo who refused to play at Roma. Zaniolo is the agent’s highest value player, and Gnonto is second highest value - the next 5 being worth between £1.5m and £1m, and the vast majority being much less than. Seems to be either trying to make a name for himself and/ or desperate to milk as much as possible out of his two biggest clients.




Chris Chris's banter posts with other poster's replies to Chris Chris's banter posts


07 Jul 2024 20:22:23
On jollys in Albufera currently
Huge numbers of us currently here,

Chris Chris

1.) 07 Jul 2024 22:57:40
Lovely part of the world Christopher. enjoy the sea breeze, ocean waves ;sun, booze and good fresh produce cuisine.

2.) 08 Jul 2024 00:01:12
CC Enjoy, safe travels and say hi to Bonnie.

3.) 08 Jul 2024 07:42:03

4.) 08 Jul 2024 13:23:01
Regards boys ?.

5.) 08 Jul 2024 14:23:58
Any sign of Martyn on your travels Chris? I know he does favour a warm climate?

6.) 08 Jul 2024 15:09:50
He gone deep incognito undercover Class ?, he could be Tom Conti waiter in Shirley Valentine for all I know ?.

7.) 08 Jul 2024 18:20:22
That’s all sounds very Martyn, keep looking though Chris I am very hopeful of his return……Again!



29 Jun 2024 21:24:13
Farke After walking talk gathering pace.

Chris Chris

1.) 29 Jun 2024 22:50:33
Where are you reading that Chris? I’ve had texts saying same but can’t find on web.

2.) 29 Jun 2024 22:52:33
I've heard the same rumbles Chris.

3.) 29 Jun 2024 23:12:05
Farke can do one.

4.) 30 Jun 2024 04:07:56
A fake journo account on twitter started a rumour. It's nonsense. The account is notorious for it.

5.) 30 Jun 2024 08:15:04
There are no managers but Bielsa who would walk from a job now, as it means losing out on millions. Any departure would be conditional, and with an agreed pay off.



27 May 2024 18:09:42
I see Sevilla fans don't understand how good Mr Ortas network of top quality signings are once again?

Massive protests outside ground recently

Something along lines of

Victor Orta get fkuc outta our club .

Ah yes Mr Ortas a top man for signings indeed ?.

Chris Chris

1.) 27 May 2024 18:36:50
Lmao ? Chrissy


Perhaps the very few who still incredulously believe that Victor Orta is/ was an even half competent DoF get themselves over to Sevilla

With placards

" In Orta We Trust " displays of solidarity ?.



07 May 2024 14:10:27
It's a ltd company btw who are owed the cash.

Chris Chris



07 May 2024 14:09:43
Question that maybe Ani maybe able to answer

If a company are declared insolvent and are in debt to many sub contractors, can the subbys offset the loses against their revenue annual tax bill?

Chris Chris

1.) 07 May 2024 16:32:01
Call the Toffees better accountancy hotline ?☎️. Then try Florist ? for a second opinion.

2.) 07 May 2024 18:18:23
Brillo Blanco.

3.) 08 May 2024 06:21:15
Yes Chris…if a company is unlikely to receive money, they can either continue to hold that money in the accounts (in the hope they may ultimately get paid) or right-off the debt. The latter reduces profit / increases the losses and therefore, any corporation tax due at the end of the year of the net outcome is commensurately reduced.

4.) 08 May 2024 16:43:21
I should add, if VAT has been involved and the company has paid VAT on the money / debt, then this can also be recovered back.

5.) 08 May 2024 21:07:57
Thank for your insight Ani?

Had a feeling you would know company law well

Cheers pal.




Chris Chris's rumour replies


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24 Jul 2024 13:19:39
Burrows bye bye Dill
Blades paid out.

Chris Chris



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23 Jul 2024 19:54:04
Playing Devil's advocate here now Dill, the same attacking formation that fell apart when needed most last Seez Dill?

We won't get Smozdics but surely if we did he would have to be an improvement on anything we have in midfield, he was a revelation last seez.

Chris Chris



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28 Apr 2024 11:58:34
Identifying and Leeds all too regularly ain't always the best fit though

The obvious problem shall spring to mind if we don't go up

Squad will once again be decimated, then new faces in

Then the inevitable " oh we in transition give it time for next 2-3 seasons "

The boat should have been pushed out a bit further in January, and I ain't saying that with hindsight

We look clapped out now.

Chris Chris



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09 Jan 2024 20:56:51
Wonder would Maxwell fancy a spell in champo?

Chris Chris



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06 Jan 2024 11:21:21
Great if true!
I thought there was no option at end of deal
Joes been fantastuc for. us.

Chris Chris




Chris Chris's banter replies


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25 Jul 2024 10:07:08
6 seasons in, 'Give the guy a break'!

More in His line for him to give us a few goals instead ?.

Chris Chris



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25 Jul 2024 07:18:57
A debt of gratitude?
Has he been more or less perpetually injured last 2 seasons? On 30k a week? So please explain to me who would owe who in that scenario

He's had 1 very good season in all the time with us, rest has been fits and starts, and just poor .

Chris Chris



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19 Jul 2024 17:24:29
Smozdics is double the player Dan is anyday Baz.

Chris Chris



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19 Jul 2024 12:03:58
I was just going to say same Dill?.

Chris Chris



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18 Jul 2024 20:47:17
Chalk and cheese comparison Baz let's be honest
Smozdics probably player of season in champo

I will agree that when Dan came on in final he did give it a proper go unlike a few of his teammates,

No bluffing Baz, Farke dropped him, as in final, he didn't make starting.11, so nice try Baz ( back at yourself ?)

Chris Chris