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Rambo_Rhys's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Rambo_Rhys's rumours posts


25 Aug 2023 19:53:23
Amiri has changed his mind again and has after all rejected the chance to come to sunny Yorkshire.


1.) 25 Aug 2023 21:19:48
Apparently according to Dan on the square ball it’s stalled because his wife is having a child and wants to check Yorkshire out first.

2.) 26 Aug 2023 08:05:07
If that’s the case dIL, then no one can complain. He will come for sure then, as Yorkshire is better than most places in Germany!



29 Jul 2022 21:54:39
We’ve apparently won “the race” to sign Julian Quinones. If this is our big striker signing then sack Victor now and announce relegation ?.


1.) 29 Jul 2022 23:15:51
You seen him play Rambo or just saying that because you've never heard of him?
I had never heard of Raphinha until we signed him and we made a £38 million profit out of him!

2.) 30 Jul 2022 04:58:39
Rambo We aren't getting relegated. Top 14 for us.

3.) 30 Jul 2022 05:03:55
No tbf I’ve never seen him play, hardly a marquee signing though is it? 14 goals in the Mexican league last season. If he’s a squad player then fine but we need s more established no.9 if we’re to avoid going down.
Personally I’d heard of Raphi but this bloke is a complete mystery.

4.) 30 Jul 2022 08:14:49
I would say he is a squad player but wouldn’t surprise me if that’s it as far as strikers are concerned.
Not sure we have enough goals in us still. Time will tell.

5.) 30 Jul 2022 08:29:29
He looks OK to be fair just because the guy in a weaker league doesn't make him bad player it's still football same rules when you play wi better players it makes a better player mot trust jesse and staff.

6.) 30 Jul 2022 08:58:56
This is one that Jesse has been following for a while, and would seemingly fit the style of play JM is gearing us up to play. TBH, I can see a scenario where Joffy is our lead striker before the season ends, and potentially our top scorer. No relegation battle this year.

7.) 30 Jul 2022 09:35:51
Well I admire all of your optimism! Looking at our squad at this time I struggle to see where we’re stronger than last year, possibly CM but that depends how the new guys settle. If we sign a decent striker I’ll be happy. Would also like Charlie Taylor back but I know a lot of people don’t agree with that one.

8.) 30 Jul 2022 14:40:45
I think defensively we will be a lot better this season, with a change of tactics being a contributing factor (more responsible and less gung ho) . Kristensen is an improvement on Ayling. And Koch/ Llorente are starting to look fairly assured together at CB. I have no doubt we won't concede anywhere near as many as last season.

In midfield I think we've bought particularly well and I'd argue we are much better as a unit there. Roca and Adams as pivot players is imo an improvement on Phillips and Forshaw for the simple reason that Phillips missed half the season last year, so really it's probably more apt to make the comparison between Roca/ Adams and Forshaw/ Klich, which in that sense it's a vast improvement on last season. Aaronson looks to be settling well and his creativity and contributions will increase as the season goes, I have no doubt. Obviously Raph is a big loss and I'm not going to say Sinisterra is a better player, although he does look very tricky. He has impressed in Eredivisie though and he has the makings of a strong replacement, albeit a level below Raph currently. Harrison I expect to go from strength to strength this season and find more consistency under more disciplined tactics.

Bamford and Joffy as well as Greenwood coming to fruition this season looks like a strong possibility and could really be a determining factor in how well we play attacking wise this season. Greenwood and Joffy's maturation over the course of this season could have a massive impact.

LB obviously a main concern and I feel we need to be defensively resolute moreso than attacking maestros. We have goals in the team at present and adding a few more on last seasons goal tally would be of massive benefit, but conceding less would be the biggest difference maker to last season.

LB wpuld be my priority while adding another CF would be icing on the cake.

I think a few of the more negative posters will be surprised this coming season. I have every optimism in the world we can attain a respectable league position with our current squad (obviously accounting for us signing a new LB) .



26 Feb 2022 18:32:18
Seen a few posts suggesting he’s gone! Anybody seen anything credible?





Rambo_Rhys's banter posts with other poster's replies to Rambo_Rhys's banter posts


24 Jul 2024 19:27:06
Just watched the Hannover game, overall we looked very good, sharp in possession, tenacious in the press and clinical in front of goal!
I think it’ll strictly be buying replacements if someone leaves from here and I’m ok with that, we’ve got a stronger squad than last year imo. Wöber, Aaronson, Bogle, Rothwell are all good players at this level.


1.) 24 Jul 2024 20:51:50
Great to hear. And agree about those players being good for this level. Think they'll all contribute well this season.

2.) 24 Jul 2024 20:52:58
Agree fully with that mate.

3.) 24 Jul 2024 21:13:35
Farke has indicated we will only be buying to replace now. I can see us loaning a few more but I don't expect any more purchases unless we lose key men.

4.) 24 Jul 2024 22:54:08
Sounds like a good performance around.

5.) 24 Jul 2024 23:33:33
Solid performance and Bogle and Rothwell have hit the ground running. They've done some great link play and both assisted with MJ goals.

It's going to be a fun season.

6.) 25 Jul 2024 04:41:53
Who was at fault for their goal? Should mez moved his feet towards said ball and used his hands? What goalkeepers do right?

7.) 25 Jul 2024 06:20:57
Unfortunately for Meslier he will always be at fault even when it isn’t his fault. I think it’s quite clear to see that Struijk’s pass back or whatever it was did Meslier no favours. Pascal has been out of action for quite a while and although he had a decent game against Hanover, his judgment and timing might be a little rusty. Overall no big deal in my estimation.

8.) 25 Jul 2024 06:42:58
It was indeed a short pass back that any normal goalkeeper would have acted instantly to collect. Not stand rooted to the floor for 2 seconds before hitting a perfectly weighted pass to their player. Struik wrong but two wrongs don’t make it right.



26 Apr 2024 21:57:54
Wow, what an embarrassment. Let’s just end the season now, there’s no way we’re even getting to Wembley. I’d be inclined to sack Farke, the team we’ve got should not be finishing behind Ipswich, poor manager with too many of Marcelo’s bad habits. Fresh start next year, we’ll lose Mes (hope and pray) , Amps, Rodon, Gray, Cree, Willy and hopefully Bamford, Piroe and Rutter (not convinced he’s ever going to score again) .


1.) 26 Apr 2024 22:16:30
Getting rid of Gahlier should have happened last summer

Best Leeds keeper ever tosh

SF49ers might sack DF . they certainly will have doubts about him.

2.) 26 Apr 2024 22:23:29
Personally, I think Archie, Ampadu will stay.
We actually missed Patrick Bamford tonight, Junior Firpo put 3 good balls into the box which PB would have flicked in
But, we can slate the players for not turning up. We should also praise QPR for playing a different game to the low block Daniel Farke obviously planned for.



14 Apr 2024 17:27:56
Bogusz scored another 2 for LAFC yesterday. A young, goal scoring, midfielder, good job we don't need one of them eh? That £700k will bankroll us for years I suppose.


1.) 14 Apr 2024 17:47:11
Exactly right Rambo.

2.) 15 Apr 2024 07:40:24
3 goals in 8 games (in MLS) is hardly the prolific goal scorer “another 2” implies, particularly when it was 6 in 66 the season before (across LaLiga 2 and MLS) .

I really liked Bogusz and wish he’d been a success for Leeds, but I don’t think he’d be near the first team if he was still here.

3.) 15 Apr 2024 11:25:00
So 9 goals in 74 games ( 1 goal in 8 (

as opposed to zero in 46 Kamara

or previously Adam Forsaw zero in 300

I will take the former.

4.) 15 Apr 2024 13:12:15

5.) 15 Apr 2024 19:55:12
Baz ? would pass on the goal line and I don't mean near where Mes would most commonly be found.



13 Apr 2024 14:32:41
I’m with Baz now. FARKE OUT!


1.) 13 Apr 2024 14:38:37
Best Manager in Champo guff from Bermo . yer right.

2.) 13 Apr 2024 15:04:15
Agree Baz. Bermo delusional.
As usual.

3.) 13 Apr 2024 15:17:24
Yep Aus.



02 Apr 2024 16:06:44
MJ has to start on Saturday! Bamford is going through a drought and his droughts are like a Games of Thrones Winter, we can’t afford to carry him in next 6 games!
Toughen up Farke and make the difficult call!


1.) 02 Apr 2024 16:47:26
Agreed Rambo . but will DF?

2.) 02 Apr 2024 17:10:11
That call should have been made at the start of the season!

3.) 02 Apr 2024 17:37:19
Rambo Difficult you say? Respectfully, cinch.

4.) 02 Apr 2024 17:56:53
Bamford was injured for the first half of the season Triangle.

5.) 02 Apr 2024 18:17:41
Let’s be honest lads, it’s not really that hard a decision is it? I mean he looks like one of those litter pickers ambling around the beach looking for a fiver! Then he thinks he’s seen one and then tries to run in the sand! When he missed that sitter and he ended up in the net he looked around like he had just woken up and lost his beach ball! MJ for me with Piroe as back up for the last six games. MJ will score and he will be the difference between automatic and play offs ✊✊.

6.) 02 Apr 2024 22:35:19
He's a mental midget. When confidence is high he's fine and can play well. After a bad miss or in high pressure games he crumbles.

I think it would be a good idea to start MJ now tbh considering last couple of games for Paddy. MJ looks to be champing at the bit and it's just the kind of vigour and energy we need for these last lot of games.

7.) 03 Apr 2024 00:31:36
We can all sit here and pick the team without consequences. However, despite PB last couple of games, he has been intrinsic to our unbeaten run…. do we need to change the winning formula? It’s working as it is, is it not?

PB has had two woeful games, yes, but let’s be honest Amps was a disaster v Watford, as was most of the team. I wouldn’t advocate dropping DJ or AG, but they have both been really off it for a few weeks now.

Leave alone in my opinion…it was only a couple of weeks ago folks were outraged at the thought of dropping PB (except Aus, who I think would play with 10 if necessary! …probably already thinks we are! )

8.) 03 Apr 2024 03:24:57
100% bermo. Nah. 1000%.

9.) 03 Apr 2024 09:33:41
The issue I have Ani is that, while we aren't losing games, we could be making the games easier on ourselves without Paddy's missed chance (s)

I don't think sticking with the same formula of playing Bamford just in case he has a good game is the route to go. Historically, he's shown that once he loses confidence it takes a while to gain back and we don't have that time to go through the process.

MJ is ready to play imo. His energy alone eclipsed Paddy's in the last two games and we need that desperately right now. Paddy has looked disinterested once his game isn't going right and he loses the auxiliary functions to his game. Not that I don't think he's a team player, he is, but he overthinks about his own performance and it effects how he plays for the team. Joseph, in what little game time he's had has shown confidence and energy. Defending from the front, running down defenders, running long balls down, running between the lines and some smart movement in the box. Plus, it does appear he knows where the net is (3 goals at senior level in 288mins - goal every 96 mins) . I don't think it's a risk at all.

We need to put games to bed by being more clinical. Paddy isn't meeting that requirement atm so we need to change it to take try to take a small amount self imposed of pressure off.

MJ to start, for me.

10.) 03 Apr 2024 21:17:08
Looks like we all agree (bar Ani) that MJ should start at weekend. Personally I don’t think Farke will drop him, but he should.
Ani, I get what you’re saying about not changing a winning team but let’s be honest, we haven’t been playing well at all and from I’ve seen Bamford has been a big part of that, yes he’s missed a few big chances but more importantly for me his touch/ link up has been truly horrible. He’s not confident, so instead of naturally controlling the ball he’s concentrating too hard and it’s bouncing off him. There’s no room for sentiment here, do him a favour and take him out of the spot light for a bit.

11.) 03 Apr 2024 21:20:08
I’ve just read Dills reply, we clearly see the game very similarly, admittedly you make my point better than I do!

12.) 04 Apr 2024 05:06:08
What Dill said, excellent post ?.




Rambo_Rhys's rumour replies


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23 Jul 2024 05:44:22
Don’t see the point in loaning him in, surely we’d be better off giving the game time to Joseph?!




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03 Jul 2024 06:34:09
Didn’t realise he was that old tbh Dill. Yes the returns would be minimal but we have to get out this league this year or we’re in deep poo!
Rutter is good and as mentioned very entertaining but he’s so raw, if we were PL and could loan him out I’d keep him but this is the Championship and 30-40m quid is a huge sum for a club in this division. If not Szmodics then someone else.




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02 Jul 2024 20:56:53
I like Rutter but I’d have taken that! He’s very hit and miss and his finishing is woeful, £30m could be invested into a much better/ deeper squad. £8-12m on Smodzics or whatever his name is from Blackburn and you’ve still got plenty to put towards the debt.




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01 Feb 2024 15:03:04
That’s true Aus, Farke would probably give Haaland a shift at RB if he signed.




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01 Feb 2024 06:38:01
Why are we being so strongly linked with CB’s? That’s not what’s needed! We need RB/ LB and a CAM!





Rambo_Rhys's banter replies


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03 Apr 2024 21:20:08
I’ve just read Dills reply, we clearly see the game very similarly, admittedly you make my point better than I do!




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03 Apr 2024 21:17:08
Looks like we all agree (bar Ani) that MJ should start at weekend. Personally I don’t think Farke will drop him, but he should.
Ani, I get what you’re saying about not changing a winning team but let’s be honest, we haven’t been playing well at all and from I’ve seen Bamford has been a big part of that, yes he’s missed a few big chances but more importantly for me his touch/ link up has been truly horrible. He’s not confident, so instead of naturally controlling the ball he’s concentrating too hard and it’s bouncing off him. There’s no room for sentiment here, do him a favour and take him out of the spot light for a bit.




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24 Mar 2024 20:34:56
Was it Trevor McDonald?




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03 Mar 2024 09:19:12
Oxford 1st? Hahaha would love to know what they base this on!




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01 Feb 2024 15:03:57
Not seen much of him but he’s got decent pedigree in this league and he’s actually a RB so happy with him.
