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26 May 2024 17:08:12
Ok, well it wasn't to be; sad we didn't play as we all know we can.

All the best for the summer everyone. See you for the new season.

Signing off, Ani.


1.) 26 May 2024 17:18:45
All the best to you too Ani. ??.

2.) 26 May 2024 17:39:15
He's a Gonner!

3.) 26 May 2024 17:43:32
Yep have a good un’
Not much to say really, feeling numb.
A freak of a season tbf, sadly we drew the shortest straw.
Think Farke will smash it next season but at this moment in time I just want to forget football for a little while.
Don’t really want to discuss the game, just makes the pain even worse.
Taking a little break also until the dust settles.

4.) 26 May 2024 18:04:02
To be honest expected that result today but hoped for different.
A season of hopes but in the end hope kills you!, Lots of ups but also some downs downs. not commented on here or even viewed this site for weeks as I guess 'its been lots of the guys that bask in the I told you so. Blah, blah, blah etc. Hurts like help to lose but hope we keep Farke, players we lose so be it. As fans we can't effect the result, so have to deal with it. Enjoy the summer guys, signing off.

5.) 26 May 2024 18:22:51
What like you did this season OP . jeez,

6.) 26 May 2024 18:38:12
Don't know how anyone can assert smash next season for following reasons.

1. Will 9ers stick with Farke? Not so sure.
2. We are about to lose a 70 g/ a forward line albeit for big money.
3. Will Rodon join?
4. We actually don't have a defence right now. Gray and Amps midfielders, Roberts belongs to Burnley, Byram, Cooper out of contract, Ayling gone, Firpo will surely return to Spain. Cressy? LOL.

Considerable work to do.

7.) 26 May 2024 18:45:00
Marching on together means nothing to you, does it?
Give your self indulgent horn blowing a rest, now is not the time to make a confrontation with a fellow Leeds fan.

8.) 26 May 2024 19:28:55
George I believe Farke will stay, Amps is better as CB, we’ll have Struijk back next season.
Pretty sure Summerville will leave but don’t think it will be in this country.
Rutter not ready for Premiership and could stay, Willy is also likely to leave.
Don’t think Rodon is in Spurs future plans and could be sold to us not sure about Roberts though, would like him to stay.
Joseph will definitely see more action next season.
Archie is 100% staying put.

Will always love and respect what Marcelo brought to our club and I think Daniel Farke will also get us out of this damned league on his second attempt and be a hero to our club.

9.) 26 May 2024 19:42:09
The irony of Mezzer doing exactly what he complains of.

10.) 26 May 2024 19:43:02
What George said.



21 Jan 2024 17:00:24
I know it’s dangerous to pre-judge games and wins, but because of the cup, Southampton don’t play again until the 3rd…. we could actually be 2nd before they play again…presuming of course, Ipswich don’t win tomorrow.


1.) 21 Jan 2024 17:54:59
You unsure about Ipswich Ani

Haven't Ipswich already ' gone '?

2.) 21 Jan 2024 18:25:53
Just a fact Baz, if they win tomorrow, we cannot be second on the 2nd of Feb otherwise, any other result, we can.

I still stand by, my statement that they won’t get auto, and Southampton are the ones we ultimately need to be concerned with.



13 Jan 2024 19:04:11
I have been thinking about it for a while, but decided to check the stats.

We have the lowest number of yellows in the league so far (38) . Southampton the highest (79) …. be interesting to see if has an impact as the season progresses. We need to put it about a bit more / Southampton suffer suspensions.


1.) 13 Jan 2024 19:48:32
Hi Ani we are a " nice team " with very few if any hard barstewards

Speaking of " Saints" or more aptly " Sinners " .

. they do depend heavily on that Adam Armstrong fella

14 goals 11 assists unreal

. be intriguing if he were to be out injured how they would cope.

2.) 13 Jan 2024 19:51:05
. and Ani at least Ipswich "have gone "

. oh wait .

3.) 13 Jan 2024 21:44:27
Ooh Baz…I didn’t say they wouldn’t win another game, even though they were pretty lucky to win today. Of the top 4, we had at least on paper, the hardest game today.

I guess us winning two away games upsets you, given your doom and gloom coming into them.

One thing for sure having watching both Ipswich and Leicester today, they both played very poorly for teams in their lofty positions.

Ipswich have four difficult games next.

4.) 13 Jan 2024 23:17:50
I think Baz’s bold prediction for us today was a very marginal fortuitous victory. I blame our thumping win on the fact we played against yet another poor team.
How many wins can you get against all these poor teams.
I’m totally racked off playing very poor teams, or they at least they appear to be poor when they play against us.
Hope some these teams buck up their ideas and start performing when they meet us otherwise this is going to be far too easy.
#Sack Farke and get rid of Bamford.

5.) 13 Jan 2024 23:21:05
Ipswich incredibly physical/ nasty team 17 fouls today and five bookings but yet again another poor referee, they were very fortunate to finish with eleven on the pitch.

Think someone posted something earlier but O’’Hare at Coventry what a player he looks (young Grealish) and out of contract end of the season?

6.) 13 Jan 2024 23:24:25
Leeds United winning always a great feeling for me Ani.

Did you enjoy the Saudi Barcodes vs Citeh exciting game? Hopefully not too meh for yer.

7.) 13 Jan 2024 23:40:58
Didn’t watch it Baz, far too meh for me. I watched Ipswich v Sunderland.

Caught it on match of the day though…KDB needs a haircut!

8.) 13 Jan 2024 23:44:10
Err OP you have seen plenty of poor teams beat Leeds this season . we have lost the same amount away as we have won away.

The KEY is Bamford is now finally starting games leading the line, and that is most definitely helping Leeds United performances and successful results in past 3 games especially away from home.

And thank gawd DF has finally stopped that nonsense of Piroe at 10 and Rutter at 9 that Aus and I have been calling for him to change past 3 months.

9.) 14 Jan 2024 02:23:44
Wonder if Leicester could be getting the comfy comfy we are champions syndrome ??
Or African nations syndrome kicking in.
Like bam bams worldies. Long may it continue.

10.) 14 Jan 2024 06:07:32
Like DF has said, he was waiting for Gio to be “ready” to slot in at 10, and blimey, hasn’t he done well!? We neeeeed Bam to stay fit, and if he doesn’t, Piroe MUST show what so many have said he was bought for, and replicate Bamfords performances, scoring, or not.

11.) 14 Jan 2024 06:59:31
Piroe likely to be a squad player if he's going to be played as a 9. Bamford a much more natural and complete CF and he brings a lot more to that position than Piroe. Yes, Piroe may score 1 every 2 (or just less) but he's not a natural 9 and offers very little in his play if he isn't scoring (doesn't interlink well, doesn't press well, etc) . He's a good finisher who plays between the lines, not as a focal point.

Bamford to stay fit and lead the line will see us do well the rest of the season (assuming we don't buy another CF) .

12.) 14 Jan 2024 08:04:18
"Cardiff will very likely do what Preston and WBA did to Leeds"

13.) 14 Jan 2024 08:46:11
Oh dear, who said that Mezzer ?.

14.) 14 Jan 2024 10:14:55

15.) 14 Jan 2024 10:21:32
Thank goodness for a crucial change up at top with Bamford that has improved performance and result as I stated in above post.

Having said that I was completely correct Dill and Mezz in my early December prediction on here that

" Leeds would lose most of their AWAY games in December"

And indeed they did . Leeds losing 3 away games out of 4 in December.

16.) 14 Jan 2024 11:39:33
Just like the rest of us then Baz, sometimes right sometimes wrong. ?.

17.) 14 Jan 2024 11:58:43
Nah Baz is always right and wrong, since he always predicts both out comes, e. g.

“…. Cardiff will likely do what Preston and WBA did to Leeds…” and “…. predict a narrow 2-1 to Leeds. ”.

18.) 14 Jan 2024 13:03:50
Ani . utter nonsense . predicted one outcume only and didn't change my mind at all on December matches

As for thd Cardiff game yes in this instance. I changed my mind because of the Bamford factor.

19.) 14 Jan 2024 14:03:27
Is it nonsense Baz?

You suggested we would likely lose to Peterborough?

So up to the brink of the Sunderland game, (when you made this statement) , we hadn’t lost away since October, had just beaten Blackburn and Leicester away, in fact, we had only dropped 2 points in 24, were top of the form table, so what was your rationale for this prophecy of doom?

20.) 14 Jan 2024 14:04:46
Class That was me. We need a CF to challenge Paddy and give depth to the squad in that position.

21.) 14 Jan 2024 14:51:33
Why are you again disingenuously including home form points accumulation. this is purely about away matches.

Be honest Ani how many Leeds AWAY performances and results have been good let alone convincing. One, two matches.

Predicting defeats at Sunderland, Preston and Baggies rational and logical.

Maybe Ani you need to work on your latest very dubious dodgy Ani- ism that Ipswich " have gone " . despite the FACT thet have only lost 3 games all season . less games than all other Champo teams lol.

22.) 14 Jan 2024 17:10:38
I was merely pointing out we were in our best form of the season, the inform team, hadn’t lost away for 5 matches-and beaten the league leaders yet you then forecast we will lose all these games?

As for Ipswich, still only 7 points from the last 21 Baz…about as on form as your predictions (if you count all of them, rather the selection you seem to remind us of) .

23.) 14 Jan 2024 17:46:12
Err Ani its actually 10 points ( not 7) in the last 21 for Ipswich



27 Dec 2023 20:49:01
Must admit to being torn about the Everton v City match tonight…if only both teams could lose!


1.) 27 Dec 2023 21:00:46
Everton 1 nil up vs meh Citeh Ani

Proven very good EPL goalscorer Jack Harrison scoring . always gives 100% too

Hot and hot JH . I am a big fan as you know.

2.) 27 Dec 2023 21:12:43
I like him…he must be close to an England call up…why I think he wanted to go on loan.

3.) 27 Dec 2023 21:55:30
Looks like JH was unable to save the day at his favoured club.

4.) 27 Dec 2023 23:29:07
It's a team game OP, Jack is one of eleven players. but he played very well

Liverpool Echo player ratings Everton against current champs Citeh

Jack Harrison 8 out of 10

' Cooly taken finish to fire Everton into the lead, he worked hard throughout closing Coty players down, was only denied a second goal by a spectacular Ederson save before picking out substitute Calvert Lewin for an inviting chance.

Very good quality EPL standard player is Hot and Hot Jack . far, far too good for the Championship so don't blame him at all in his loan move to OPs faves.

5.) 28 Dec 2023 08:45:13
I simply don’t care Baz, he is technically a Leeds player yet he has chosen to play for another club, he is of no use to our club and I will be happy when the club sell him and buy someone better who wants to play for Leeds Utd.

6.) 28 Dec 2023 16:55:01
Buy someone better than JH? . good luck with that OP. ?. especially as a Championship club.

7.) 28 Dec 2023 21:33:28
Summerville is a better player?

8.) 28 Dec 2023 22:34:08
Nope Ani not at the moment anyway

Summerville scoring goals in Champo Ani . not EPL

Jack Harrison proven in EPL over many seasons . he had far better stats than Summeville in same team last season. goals and assists.

9.) 29 Dec 2023 00:19:41
He’s only scored 2 this season?

He has better stats last season because he actually played…. Summerville was a sub most of the time and has less than 20% of the playing time.

10.) 29 Dec 2023 03:06:59
2 goals 3 assists but he missed a big chunk of the start of season

Previous 3 EPL campaigns with Leeds

25 goals 24 assists . EPL proven

Yes and of course JH was being picked ahead of CS last season because currently he is better.

Summerville potentially has a higher ceiling though.

11.) 29 Dec 2023 09:24:24
It won’t be so difficult to buy a player better than JH if or when we are in the Premiership.
As I said before Harrison is no good to us in the Championship because he doesn’t want to play for us.
For me Gnonto is already a better player than Harrison, more natural and skillful, plus he’s an Italian international.

12.) 29 Dec 2023 14:08:13
Would that be current U21 one goal all season Gnonto

You are funny OP.



12 Dec 2023 21:58:53
Didn’t want to think about this game all day, but had a feeling about tonight.

No one turned up tonight; just knew we concede.

Probably our worst performance so far.


1.) 12 Dec 2023 22:07:05
Agree, but we all have bad days, not half way through yet so plenty of time.

2.) 12 Dec 2023 22:13:23
Nah wendies was worse, but tonight was urine for sure.

3.) 12 Dec 2023 22:18:45
We didn’t do enough in the first half, then of course they scored. The whole match they were very organized and denied us any space to play.
Very disappointing.
Thought Bamford just stepped out of the Midwitch Cuckoos!

4.) 12 Dec 2023 22:26:14
Think it shows the wafer thin squad we've got. The guys who started tonight (bar Byram) are not only our best 11, they have played game after game for several weeks now and they are knackered.
Still think we can overhaul one of the top two but we need at least of couple of decent loanees in January.

5.) 12 Dec 2023 22:49:03
Agree Cleggy…. they have looked leggy (no pun intended) for a few games now. We missed Byram a lot…and will continue to do so sadly.

I think it’s the first game when you could say no one performed any where their normal levels. I would have been happy with a draw and hoped we would get away with one, but always felt we would concede.

6.) 12 Dec 2023 22:51:52
Cleggy mate if we have a wafer thin squad then what have the rest of the league bar Leicester?
I can’t agree with that statement.




ani4ni's rumour replies


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14 May 2024 13:11:46
If the rumours are right Chris. we were on the brink of our own penalty for breaking FFP, so I suspect that's why we didn't do much in January, and why there will be a lot of selling this summer to finance any "rebuild, " regardless of the league we are in.

That's the bit I hate Chris. the constant resets; it's not like we get to build on from the previous "success;" Bielsa's second season being the only recent exception.




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14 Jun 2023 17:34:39
Personally, I think we take with a pinch of salt all of these claims to stay or go; I am not sure any will make a statement on their intent [unless they are out of contract] until a manager is in place.

They're all on holiday and who are they telling their intent to, other than their agent, who would say anything to any one if it meant a transaction and another big slice of a fee. Nothing of note really happens at this end of window; there are always a lot of dominoes to fall this early on. Players intending to stay suddenly end up on their ear if a good recruit becomes an option and vice versa.




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10 Jun 2023 06:45:17
It does make you wonder why all these “top” teams and managers, want our apparently, very ordinary, poorly performing players who are not good enough.

What do they know, see in them, that Leeds Utd didn’t get to see?

Setting aside that the majority of our first team are fully-fledged (current) internationals, some even the Captain of their respective National teams, it suggests that something else was wrong. Was it the coaching, the setup, the systems we have. Most, not all, of our loanees seem to have done well elsewhere. Let’s be honest, many of our current team for a while at least played well (enough) at some point.

I can imagine a lot will conclude it was the coaching, or the simple fact we has so many, but then why be so harsh on the players.

There’s a danger we are throwing the baby out with the bath water.

What the chance we ultimately end up far worse off after this next transfer window.





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26 Jul 2024 06:57:22
Dead easy Baz; you should know how easy it is…look how much you get wrong!




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25 Jul 2024 17:57:38
Not sure "League 2" is fair Aus. They were sixth in the "German Championship" last season, only losing 8 times?

Their season starts next week, so arguably further along the fitness path than us. They were better than Harrogate, that are a real league 2 side.




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24 Jul 2024 23:09:28
Brilliant Aaronson assist for the first goal. I thought he looked pretty good.




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24 Jul 2024 18:32:50
Is he really that shrewd? His wheeling and dealing hasn’t won any trophies and he seems to have a very large “ex-manager” bill to deal with.




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23 Jul 2024 15:01:03
I'm not keen on the home strip to be honest; seems the "fashion" this season is for the strange curves in contrasting colours on the shorts; the Euro's were rife with that style?

That aside, it doesn't look like a "Leeds" white strip. Often you see teams playing in white; e. g. Swansea, Man U occasionally etc, but they don't look "right, " and never ever look as good as the real McCoy, e. g. the Leeds white strip. Our strip this season is a bit like something Swansea would play in. Just my opinion. I'm sure it will grow on me.
