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29 Aug 2023 13:43:10
Amiri rumours still doing the rounds.
Personally like to see some more in but main hope for me is nobody major out ( Happy for Costa level) if we can keep LS CS WG GR we can outscore anyone even if we do leak a few.


1.) 30 Aug 2023 10:48:04
what the heck has even happened to Costa?

2.) 30 Aug 2023 11:35:09
I think Farke said that there was agreement between the two parties that a move would be best for him, but no animosity at all. Can see a mutual agreement on contract cancellation when the window closes, so he can move on.



01 May 2023 14:51:52
Lee Bowyer also being banded around as a replacement.


1.) 01 May 2023 17:41:26
No thanks!



08 Jun 2022 00:28:18
Some reports of signing Clarke-Salter from Chelsea after a season on loan at Coventry. Reports say he is highly rated but valued at 1.8m. Surely the price tag would be higher on about 5 or 6 already at the club. IMO about 80% of press talk is made up surprised we haven't been linked with De Paul for a while!


1.) 08 Jun 2022 12:41:43
Indeed, we were linked with Phil Jones yesterday too. Why would we be bringing in either of those guys rather than promoting Cresswell (who is better than both of them) if we were looking to move on one of existing senior right CB’s.

2.) 09 Jun 2022 09:19:21
Jones? ! Might as well bring back Paul Butler! Cressy is the future Captain of this club. A good loan at a top champ side, then returns as Captain. The youth will take us forward!




CambridgeWhitey's banter posts with other poster's replies to CambridgeWhitey's banter posts


26 May 2024 20:10:31
To me difference was the striker. If we had Armstrong and they had Piroe we would probably be Premier bound.


1.) 26 May 2024 22:08:49
Their superior midfield created the chance.

2.) 26 May 2024 22:15:43
Piroe should hand his salary. back

It's akin to the cow jumping over the moon


he's pure she-ite

Absolute embarrassment of a player.



13 Aug 2023 19:45:40
I think that there must be some business law that Orta must have broken. He has negligently signed contracts that will cost our beloved clubs tens of millions and before this year is done potentially over £100m. His negligence in this matter is shocking above almost anything I have seen in my 50+ years following football. What Orta has done is surely worse than Risdale and his fish tanks, Cellino and his tax bills and even up there with Colonel Sanders. I thought we were at the end of it and now Jack is jumping ship probably after that Shot show yesterday. Our club is getting raped and pillaged by Clubs with outstanding FFP issues and all we as fans can do is stand back and watch our club diminish.


1.) 13 Aug 2023 20:09:06
No no, Ortas done well at Leeds, your just being alarmist now ranting at clickbait articles

??? Just joking as you well know my stance on what Ortas done to our club

Incredible that anyone ever said Orta done ok at Leeds.

2.) 13 Aug 2023 20:38:17
If Ridsdale could continue to be on the Directors list, then quite clearly, anyone can.

3.) 13 Aug 2023 20:54:25
Cambridge Subject to obvious caveat, may amount to a minority shareholder unfair prejudice petition for 40ers but can they prove their surprise with these clauses? Can Radz and Orta prove on the other hand their knowledge and consent? It all got funky when Jack's transfer to the King Power got pulled after he met and chatted with Brendan. Caveat is nothing will whatsoever happen because the share sale probably contained an immunity provision for Radz so no litigation possible. It's more than likely an it is what it is deal. We just have to hope we elude relegation into League One this season and then 40ers will flex their muscle next summer.

4.) 13 Aug 2023 23:14:29
I would be very, very surprised if Mr Marathe and co did not know of these R loan clauses!

In the veru unlikely event they did not, Mr Marathe (as Leeds United Vice President at the time, should have ensured that he and his group did know / had representatives present during contract negotiations!

5.) 13 Aug 2023 23:48:25
Baz Agreed but why did they voice their surprise and concern when it became public? Are they telling porkies too?

6.) 13 Aug 2023 23:58:00
I honestly think that there's something else going on with Orta, he spent 399.5+ over his time here and basically got nought in return .

Knew there was something fishy about Orta when he came - did he get a kickback on all that .



11 Jul 2023 17:26:26
So we effectively get €500k for Koch. Poor end to the season but still a German international but **** think that they can get £50m for Maguire. Admittedly they won't get it and arguably HM is better but that's a massive gap.
I am hoping someone can tell me why there's players are supposedly going on loan instead of being sold.


1.) 11 Jul 2023 18:39:39
You couldn't make it up with the buy high sell low continued bad deals by Leeds United regime(s).

And I don't really subscribe to Ani's explanation on here yesterday that these loans are necessarily financial good news for LUFC.

2.) 11 Jul 2023 19:32:40
The thing is, they are going out on loan, and we don't want any of them back!

3.) 11 Jul 2023 20:57:09
It’s simply contractual. That simple.
Sounds crazy, is crazy, but if it’s in a contract, it’s a fact. Move on.

4.) 11 Jul 2023 22:02:06
Orta and Co should NOT have agreed for it to be in Kochs contract.


5.) 11 Jul 2023 22:09:48
We’re like the NatWest with all these loans.

6.) 11 Jul 2023 22:34:37
I ran an international business for 20 years and this is exactly how you deal with a potential loss. I never said the loans were good, I said that the loans were a good way of dealing financially with potentially damaging “booked” losses. When you”re faced with big losses on your assets, you take mitigation; one way is to spread that loss over a number of financial years.

By still owning the player, you can spread the loss under (legal) accepted accounting rules. By getting someone to pay a salary, you cut the loss further. Leeds whilst they still have their parachute payments still face a huge downturn in income, whilst their costs are still commensurate with being in the EPL.

Every season in the EPL is worth £100M+ even for relegation fodder, mostly from tv rights. It’s estimated to be only worth £7-8M in the Championship.

7.) 11 Jul 2023 22:37:38
Better than what's going on in Shepherd's Bush right now ?.

8.) 12 Jul 2023 05:16:05
Baz, we get it, but what has been done by the previous ownership is history and nothing can change that now.

Unfortunately it also means that we will never recover the costs of some of the players that they payed over the odds for and this will continue to have an impact until all those contracts are run out/ player sold.

As ani4ni has outlined, it is a case of getting what we can for the players that do not feature in the manager's plans, as well as getting them off the payroll.

Also, given their minimal value based on how they played last season, they might do OK again in one of the other European leagues and attract buyers at a better price than we would get now.

9.) 12 Jul 2023 06:46:39
The point Baz is making is that even after he's gone Mr Orta's calamitous reign still works against us .

"Oh it's a contract and this is the best outcome currently '

It's easy to say this when your Chelsea or city, but for a club that will always be tight with cash, this is another slap in face from that clown Orta .

10.) 12 Jul 2023 08:30:09
It seems to be assumed by some that Orta dreamt up the structure of these deals/ contracts by himself. In reality, he will have been working to guidelines set by the money men like Kinnear, who were the ones with overarching responsibility for mitigation of financial risks, spreading costs/ losses etc.

The desire to have an individual figure of hate you can blame for everything seems often to override peoples’ common sense.

11.) 12 Jul 2023 09:47:11
They’ve gone. Get over it! Let it go!
Great posts Ani, Jungle, Clue!

12.) 12 Jul 2023 10:05:57
Clu eirher you hsve failed to read carefully he content of my post I clearly stated ' Orta AND CO ' so yes Radz and Kinnear too all 3 stooges are culpable

Ot more likely you had read it carefully but you are just continuing with your truly silly one man deluded crusade narrative to excuse Orta of responsibility of much of our demise.

13.) 12 Jul 2023 10:15:45
When the title reads D. O. F, then the minutiae of all contract negotiations ends with the individual who is paid the most in that dept,

14.) 12 Jul 2023 11:39:49
In a business sense, Chris, that is not true. In fact it’s nonsense. He reported to Radz and Kinnear. Hierarchy at that level is important, and he will have needed approval for everything he did.

15.) 12 Jul 2023 12:24:43
Lol more tosh " he will have needed approval for everything he did "

More like Radz trusted and let Orta run the club. and not that much would have needed Radz approval.

{Ed001's Note - Orta didn't run the club or even close to it. He was a director of football, that is not running the club at all. You clearly do not understand what you are shouting about due to your hatred of the man. I do agree with you that he was very poor at his job, but his powers would have been limited in scope and any transfer deals would have been signed off by those above him.}

16.) 12 Jul 2023 12:45:10
Twatwaffle Baz. Businesses are not run like that, pure and simple facts. My latter career was as a sales and marketing director, and everything was signed off by a Board decision, or exclusively by the MD or CEO, or more often, both.

17.) 12 Jul 2023 12:47:01
To clarify " running " in terms of imo the MOST important aspect of a club ;squad recruitment players signed, transfer fees and contracts.

Key decisions which relegated Leeds United.

{Ed001's Note - all would have been signed off by those above him. He certainly did not have the power to write cheques or sign off contracts.}

18.) 12 Jul 2023 12:54:34
Yes of course signed off and agreed by Radz with relegation nailed on as a result . more fool PR Radz who I also have stated is equally culpable .

{Ed001's Note - it would almost certainly have been Kinnear and not Radz.}

19.) 12 Jul 2023 13:16:04
Either way more fool Radz for totally trusting Kinnear too .

20.) 12 Jul 2023 14:22:55
To be fair to Baz I started by asking the question Baz has got most of the flack. For what it’s worth I agree that how the establishment let this happen is scandalous. I don’t hear of many other clubs letting assets go for minimal recompense. I also concur that we look forward now but home many times do we fall foul of misadministration. Risdale Bates Cellino and now these clowns.

21.) 12 Jul 2023 14:40:13
Good post Cambridge
As for belligerent Brighty flack. bring it on.

22.) 12 Jul 2023 14:52:58
Cambridge, your question was entirely reasonable; the reality is, this is how the majority of clubs are run. We only see it at Leeds because that's who we follow. Even the very "best" clubs are operating at a loss. Remember, FFP is an attempt to cap the loss, not force clubs to be financially sound. HMRC is virtually owed a fortune from football. "Big" clubs can "cope" with these really poor decisions, either because they have deep pockets or because they are better of hiding / disclosing it. As other have said, we seem to have more than our fair share of poor management in the last 20 years!

Probably only second to DCFC [my local club]; they have been an utter mess for years.

We just have to accept what it is; no amount of dwelling / blaming is going to make the slightest bit of difference now.

23.) 12 Jul 2023 15:31:13
Bright, time +again we hear on this forum that Radz was clueless about running a football club, hence others cutting him slack on this fact

Well armed with that logic, and what we now know as fact from many sources Victor was TOP MAN, for all FOOTBALLING issues within zee club

Yes Radz was owner, and snake balls Chief exec, but both those two ain't football men as you know, so again on the footballing side Victor was top man, and the other 2 rubber-stamped his " work " in fine tuning contracts

That's not my opinion, that has been verified as fact.

24.) 12 Jul 2023 16:25:37
Leeds United, in a city with no other football club, great history, big fanbase, but we have never been able to attract the big investor / owner. A lot who we have had, leave a lot to be desired. We can only hope these 49rs bring us stability, investment and efficiency in the day to day running of the Club. One other thing, I won't shed any tears if Kinnear is shown the door.

25.) 12 Jul 2023 16:27:35
Spot on Chris re VO running club on all the footballing issues .



15 Jun 2023 11:49:28
So still waiting to see if following three useless farkers this year me might get a decent one.




07 Jun 2023 11:10:23
So strange that with an owner, DofF, manager to be appointed. Culling of players others leaving of their choice together with probably 6 plus players coming in. The closed season might actually be more exciting that the playing season!





CambridgeWhitey's rumour replies


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05 Aug 2023 10:37:46
It used to be paper talk but now anybody can spout their rubbish. Leeds Live for one seem to make up more stories than Emmerdale.




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16 Jul 2023 10:43:06
George. That is a very derogatory and negative comment. But also very true.




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16 Jul 2023 10:41:23
? Alf.




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14 Jul 2023 08:24:16
Good post good news and great banter.




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14 Jul 2023 08:22:33
Shame he’s leaving. One of the few last year that looked like he cared.
At his age I understand it. Good luck to him.





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26 May 2024 20:11:46
Agree. Been all season that Joseph has been underused. I’d let Piroe go.




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26 Oct 2023 08:19:33
Thought I’d wait until I calmed down to post but still raging.
Best manager since Bielsas first few seasons but soome big cock i up ps last night from the man.
Team selection obviously. Bet Stoke full backs couldn’t believe their luck with no Summerville or James!
For me though the biggest was not being firm on employing a penalty takers who’s not called Patrick. I’d rather anyone else even Meslier than Bamford.




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26 Sep 2023 16:09:42
Who got Baz started on Meslier ?. I have to have a chuckle. Not sure if you’ll have chance to be fully proved otherwise Baz as believe he’ll be off in January hoping that he’ll be increasing his value in the meantime.




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03 Sep 2023 15:45:02
Good points both.




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19 Aug 2023 12:27:58
Agrrr more with MG than Aus. Thought Gray looked solid and we it’s Amps a strong partnership is forging. Baby Shack too. Very busy and got I. Some good positions. Bill still looks shaky defensively though they neatly scored from a break when he went to ground too easy.
