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24 Jul 2024 22:31:33
I hope MJ gets his start as the chocolate teapot is recovering from yet another surgery - wonder how long he has left on his contract and hopefully he will be a bench warmer when back.


1.) 24 Jul 2024 23:28:00
I see what you’re saying about Bamford and it is hard to move him on with his wages. But maybe he will offer something this coming season? He’s a streaky player and maybe at a certain point during the season he comes up with seven goals or so in ten to twelve games? However in saying that I hope young Joseph keeps him out due to amazing scoring numbers.

2.) 24 Jul 2024 23:32:19
At this point, we should shuffle Bamford to coaching staff. Leeds owe him a debt of gratitude for what he's contributed to us. He may be hit and miss, but when he hits, boy does he.
He's humble enough to pass penalty and free kick shots onto other players and he's just a good lad.

Let him coach the yewf team as a thanks. He's always enthusiastic about taking the younger, senior team players under his wing.

3.) 24 Jul 2024 23:48:12
Death, taxes and Bamford being injured. What a melt.

4.) 25 Jul 2024 02:55:52
Bamford has a lot of traits that are great and those parts do make us a better team when he plays. But he also a lot of flaws and the constant injuries just highlight the negative parts, for me, now. Agree with what Corky is saying about him playing in streaks. Just use him sparingly when he's fit, but we can't rely on him anymore.

MoT, that's more a lack of confidence than humble. He's always been a mental midget who crumbles under pressure, one way or another.

5.) 25 Jul 2024 03:48:59
Owe him a debt? Are you serious.
We have overpaid him for the entirety of his career with us.
I wouldn’t let him anywhere near the bench or youth.
Maybe train up as a static guard cause heaven forbid him chasing a pitch invader.

6.) 25 Jul 2024 05:40:20
Physio maybe, Aus. He knows that room like the back of his hand.

7.) 25 Jul 2024 06:11:07
It’s an opportunity for Joseph to seize the moment and make himself indispensable and undroppable. by scoring as many goals as he can.
Bamford has been a good servant to the club but his injuries have taken its toll and it is time for a change.
Good luck Joseph.

8.) 25 Jul 2024 06:40:50
Agree on that Opti. Good luck matteo.

9.) 25 Jul 2024 07:18:57
A debt of gratitude?
Has he been more or less perpetually injured last 2 seasons? On 30k a week? So please explain to me who would owe who in that scenario

He's had 1 very good season in all the time with us, rest has been fits and starts, and just poor .

10.) 25 Jul 2024 07:23:26
Defo agree OP. MJ should have the 9 by rights. However, wholeheartedly agree with Corky and MoT. The lad still has a part to play, and could prove to be valuable in our promotion campaign this season. Yes, confidence and injuries are issues for him, but they are not what you would call “flaws”; it’s not his fault! There is no reason he can’t be a very successful coach, given the fact that he does possess a brain that works!

11.) 25 Jul 2024 07:48:08
Too weak-minded to be a coach. Let's external worries impact him.

12.) 25 Jul 2024 08:20:11
All I have to say is that we are a far better team with him playing in it. Yes he gets injuries, which I would like to point out are not his fault, so taking these away he would be getting goals, or at the very least setting others up.
Also what our so called fans did to him, outside his family home is a disgrace, and was fuelled by ignorance. Give the guy a break.

13.) 25 Jul 2024 09:40:33
Absolute twaddle being better with him in our team. So he can hold a ball up. He can’t bloody score with it so instead of striker. We have two wingers, attacking midfielder, a striker and a ball hold upper. Perfect.

14.) 25 Jul 2024 10:07:08
6 seasons in, 'Give the guy a break'!

More in His line for him to give us a few goals instead ?.

15.) 25 Jul 2024 10:50:47
Aus, the team even say that they play better with Bamford on the pitch.
He chases balls downs, puts pressure on the goalie and defenders by always running at them and never stopping.
He's inconsistent Infront of goal for sure but he puts energy into the team that Piroe doesn't.

We played our best games last season with Bamford on the pitch.

16.) 25 Jul 2024 11:10:54
What Dill, Aus, OP and CC say.

Does anyone think he'd even pass a medical at a new club if we sold him?

17.) 25 Jul 2024 11:19:22
Would you say anything positive about him if he 20 this season, probably yes, should have got 21 and you missed a sitter. The guy can't win with some on here. We all have opinion and I respect that, here's hoping we have a great season and the whole team are given tge credit.

18.) 25 Jul 2024 11:25:01
How on Earth have you deduced he is weak minded Dill? That is a massive conclusion to leap to, based on very little, if anything at all?

19.) 25 Jul 2024 12:10:20
Brighty To help Dill, I'd say the following is evidence in support.

1. Lack of anger on pitch and in interviews.
2. Air shots.
3. Ineffectual flicks with outside of foot when shooting.
4. Missing open goals from millimeters under the bar.
5. Constant injuries.
6. Declaring himself unavailable for last crucial run in.
7. Concentrating on his podcast.
8. Promotion of his lightning boots and at unsuitable junctures.
9. Over jocularity during EPL relegation season.
10. Eminem haircut

Otherwise, strong-minded.

20.) 25 Jul 2024 12:18:45
Personally I hate the phrase a good servant. £50k a week not exactly a servant!

21.) 25 Jul 2024 12:23:08
Just anecdotally basing it on how he let's things effect him in games. Can always tell he's going to have a stinker if he does something poor in the first 10 mins and his head is down the rest of the game. Also pretty clear that mentally he doesn't handle the pressure when it's on. His arse falls out far too often for my liking. Don't think that translates well to a high pressure job tbh.

22.) 25 Jul 2024 12:36:51
His salary is too high but that's on Orta

Aus and others total condemnation of him though is utterly ridiculous hyperbole

Goals 56 Games 175 a goal every 3.1 per game which is decent

I would suggest Leeds United have had a huge number of worse CF

Michael Ricketts anyone.

23.) 25 Jul 2024 12:48:00
11. Numerous penalty misses.

24.) 25 Jul 2024 13:10:58
Baz Relevant issue here isn't his decent past but his future. Think you know yourself you can put a fork in Paddy. He belongs at a low end Championship or high end League One club at this point in his injury plagued career.

25.) 25 Jul 2024 13:43:00
Baz my old mate I agree with you, I just wish they would leave my brother alone for once?.
Injuries aside, judge him on his output this season, and hopefully you Bamford sayers might have something positive to say for a change.

26.) 25 Jul 2024 13:51:51
Bielsa didn’t have any problems with him.
Gave 100% every time he played, never seen him disinterested or over petulant.
His stats for running are off the scale.
The expression, good servant is not a correct expression I agree but Bamford for me gave all he could every game, he’s not a big tally goal scoring striker but does a lot for the team.
Having said that his injuries have made him unreliable and he’s not so young anymore, so it is a time for a change.

27.) 25 Jul 2024 13:56:01
He played 33 matches last season . around 75% of matches . available for far more than some other Leeds players

He was also 4th highest scorer with 8 goals

He is a useful bench option.3rd choice CF. been unlucky with injuries which would hamper any other player too!

The unjustified total condemnation he gets is hyperbole biased bs .

he has achieved overall to a decent certain extent including last season too!

28.) 25 Jul 2024 13:57:59
Watch the training vid. That says it all. Bambi. Nothing left to give. Just trying to kid everybody. Get rid now. Can we terminate contract? Save wages.
And George is right. He will never pass another medical for any club.

29.) 25 Jul 2024 14:08:06
What OP said, when fit (rare I know) , we are a better team for him being on the pitch. Hopefully MJ can fire and make himself indispensable by scoring a hat full, but being able to bring a fit Paddy off the bench has to be beneficial.

30.) 25 Jul 2024 14:46:44
I guess if he scores or assists Aus, you will sit quietly in the corner mumbling about how bad he is. Your condemnation of the guy is unbelievable.
Injuries aside and a few missed pens, he's been a good professional for our club. Maybe you are solely blaming him for our demise from the Premier league, that missed pen, that's what it is.

31.) 25 Jul 2024 14:50:49
Baz Provided he's available, a good bench option but we ought to be moving on from him once an opportunity presents itself.

32.) 25 Jul 2024 16:20:50
Very well said ? Dougie pal re Aus.

33.) 25 Jul 2024 16:21:13
I’m afraid that list says nothing about his character or strength of mind George. He does not need to show anger, just continue to give as good as he gets from defenders, which he does, quite often very deviously!
An ability to talk eloquently and intelligently does not mean he lacks passion, just that he doesn’t need to get angry when saying it. I would say that shows strength, not weakness. A lot of the others are foundationless heresay, or capability issues, the latter of which no one can deny.
Baz and Dougie have provided well thought out defences of the fella.

34.) 25 Jul 2024 16:21:45
George as I said he played 33 games last season. a big chunk of season.

35.) 25 Jul 2024 16:24:22
Bottom line. MJ gets the nod. BamFord, if used as an impact sub, and guiding MJ with “off the ball” stuff, still has a lots to offer the team, and the club.

36.) 25 Jul 2024 22:08:28
I can't argue with that, Brighty.

Fwiw Baz. Playing the majority of 33 games would be decent. He played 1485 mins all season. Equates to 16.5 games.

37.) 25 Jul 2024 23:22:46
And 8 goals Dill . the MOST IMPORTANT stat of all!

So therefore one goal every 180 mins on pitch . impressive!

38.) 26 Jul 2024 00:39:52
185mins. Nice return. Now imagine he was fit enough to play more, like a normal first team player does.

39.) 26 Jul 2024 14:50:22
Dill as my 3rd choice striker . getting 8 goals in 16 matches is fine enough.



22 Jul 2024 21:12:23
well i see aaronson and wober are back as well as eminem .




30 Jun 2024 19:51:25
Englands second great escape in Germany.


1.) 30 Jun 2024 22:21:44
CA was there a tunnel called jade?

2.) 01 Jul 2024 00:57:32
Score aside. What a load of rubbish. Braved the mini highlights. 30 min of crap. Love the attacking tactic of passing back to the goalie from kick off.

3.) 01 Jul 2024 06:09:00
its was 5 minutes of good play, and 115 of slow deliberate predicable turd . there was tom dick and harry, but may be a song for jude.

4.) 01 Jul 2024 07:32:14
There was two fake tunnels that were never intended to be used…. this England team is a little fake.

I only speak for myself, but I was perversely disappointed when we equalised. Rather like the election, when you know the outcome is not going to the one you want, but you are somehow excited by the obvious change that’s coming.

Regardless of the ultimate outcome, this should be the end of some international careers.

5.) 01 Jul 2024 07:55:24
I was gutted we equalised.
But as usual a team relies on a slender lead when clearly the better team, rather than go for the kill.
They lost to an appalling England team when a bit more positivity would have got the job done.

6.) 01 Jul 2024 08:10:28
At half time, I would have been ok with us going out. Surely Southgate can see the benefit of playing attacking, entertaining football by getting these players to do what they are best at? John Stones should never play in that shirt again after this tournament. I can honestly say that I prefer slab head!

7.) 01 Jul 2024 11:15:45
Aus : Australia weren't playing.

8.) 01 Jul 2024 11:21:56
Nor were England baz or did they performance tickle your fancy.

9.) 01 Jul 2024 11:58:34
Aus : I said back in 2021 after Southgate wasted a huge opportunity to win a home Euros that Southgate should be replaced

However, unlike you Mr Aussie I am not " gutted " when England score goals lmao ?.

10.) 01 Jul 2024 12:40:26
Bloody hell, you’re even more grumpy than usual today Baz!?

11.) 01 Jul 2024 13:25:59
Nah Brighty I am in an exceedingly good mood .

Always enjoy ? correcting Aus, Woody and Co lol ?.

12.) 01 Jul 2024 13:37:43
That’s cause you don’t understand football baz.
Shame clueless was stolen from you.

13.) 01 Jul 2024 16:08:36
Aussie I am happy to educate you on the beautiful gentleman's game of cricket too

You need it!



27 May 2024 19:06:44
I think I'm glad that we lost yesterday. I remember back to last year when the 9ers took over and farke was appointed. The comments at that time were 'this is a multi-year development process'. So should be be surprised that we didn't make it to the PL, sure it hurts, but in reality I think this team was playing way above their pay grade. Either way there was always going to be a huge rebuild this summer and 160m would NOT have been enough if we did go up. Plus you look at Burnley, the saints, luton - and many more that didn't have a core set of players, all loan players so no surprises they will bounce back down. Although it hurts to say it, i'd rather spend a couple of years in the championship, and build a core of young players than keep getting beat everyweek .

So on to next year, as to the trades, we all have our opinions - but get them done quickly so that the team goes into training with a core set of players that can play together - I know we are Leeds and always have to do things the hard way, but if we can keep the core together, just like MB had next year should have a better ending -


1.) 27 May 2024 19:47:19
Fair enough CA, and tbh, I do agree, tho whether we keep the “core” we will have to wait to see.

2.) 27 May 2024 19:49:38
Deluded if you think staying in the Championship preferable. If we don't go up next season, we are likely to be stuck here for a very long time. The game's finances and opportunities are becoming squeezed making promotion that much harder for a team not receiving a parachute payment.

Only a Championship winner's medal will suffice next season. If at any juncture it looks like Farke may fail that mission, he must be sacked and someone superior installed.

3.) 27 May 2024 20:05:39
Good points made CA.

Have a feeling George that unless we are very well positioned at Christmas then we will be looking for a new manager.

4.) 27 May 2024 20:38:05
Agree 100% George!

5.) 27 May 2024 23:11:19
George, like everyone else staying in the championship is not what we all want and is not a financial win . we all get that. What I said or meant was one more year and then go up with a core of young players, that want to play, instead of having some 'long old in the touth' and below average PL players - that will be the recipe for 'a bounce' and will be far far worse than staying an another year .

6.) 27 May 2024 23:42:21
"Core of young players"?

1. Farke has recently been emphasizing need for experience when asked what might he wish for, change going forward.

2. We are going to be selling minimum two of our excellent younger players this upcoming window.

Therefore there will be no core group of youngsters.

The pressure to win the league in 2025 will be there and sadly I agree with Cleggy unless by Christmas Farke is too or 2nd he'll be gone.

7.) 28 May 2024 02:41:09
more like Farke will be gone mid November if Leeds United are not firmly in top 2 ( 15 Champo games a third of the season )

8.) 28 May 2024 05:54:23
Halloween Bazadamus.

9.) 28 May 2024 07:53:51
As I have said in a previous post, I think the board, and Farke and his team, will be viewing the upcoming season as a “must go up” season.
There is nowt deluded or incorrect in what CA says; it’s totally in line with the clubs position at the start of the season just ended. Of course, that obviously means that if we are not in the top four mix at least by November, DF will get the heave.
I reckon we will also see a couple of youngsters eased into the squad again this season, adding to the remainder of “core youngsters”.

10.) 28 May 2024 14:21:59
What "core youngsters"? Name them. Gray, Rutter and Joseph for sure with Crew coming through but I'd hardly call 4 a "core". Now 6 is a core but the other 2 young ones are definitely off. There is no core!

11.) 29 May 2024 09:17:46
Can 3, in number, not form a “core”? What number does constitute a “core”?
I think you are focussing on the wrong word, rather than the essence of the phrase. Four, including perhaps crew, and I would suggest the addition of the CB I watched in the cup final, could be seen as a “core” within a team of 11? Or match day squad?



26 May 2024 17:08:46
Just didn't show up, rutter was terrible - the rest just stood off the ball, no pressure on the ball

Get the trades done early



1.) 26 May 2024 17:23:49
Good thing is we can now sell all those loan line plies cause I won’t wanna come back now happy days.

2.) 26 May 2024 17:25:37
Like I said all this season, SCARED FOOTBALL wins nothing!

Whatever funds we get from sales needs to be used to Bring back Marcelo Bielsa!

3.) 26 May 2024 17:38:37
Rutter wasn't that bad. Now Kamara was bad.

4.) 26 May 2024 18:40:42
Rutter wasn't bad George I agree he was bloody awful a complete waste of time energy and 35 million.

5.) 26 May 2024 19:00:04
Rutter was awful. As was Gnonto. They need to be moved on while certain teams still believe they’re good players.




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12 Apr 2024 20:52:36
no deductions this year as it's the EPL not the EFL.





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01 Jul 2024 06:09:00
its was 5 minutes of good play, and 115 of slow deliberate predicable turd . there was tom dick and harry, but may be a song for jude.




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27 May 2024 23:11:19
George, like everyone else staying in the championship is not what we all want and is not a financial win . we all get that. What I said or meant was one more year and then go up with a core of young players, that want to play, instead of having some 'long old in the touth' and below average PL players - that will be the recipe for 'a bounce' and will be far far worse than staying an another year .




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22 May 2024 18:07:50
Pass - they can keep him and if we go up maybe he can take firpo, bamford, and cooper with him.




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06 May 2024 16:23:07
'56 I think you are mostly correct. Early on and now defenders are not giving rutter the time he needs to control the ball and when that happens he gives it up very cheaply - During the unbeaten run, teams worried about James and Summerville more, and gave Rutter the time and space he needed so he looked good and became dangerous . Hopefully over time he will mature and instead of being the price pony he becomes the team player.




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29 Apr 2024 20:55:37
Yeah, i'll admit I had them midtable after preseason. Here's hoping the rub of the green goes our way for once
